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Gon awoke with a jolt to the sound of a loud car horn blaring way too close. He scrambled backwards, narrowly avoiding getting run over by a car. His breath came in short gasps, and his eyes darted around. I-I'm alive? Wait- No- That couldn't be right. He was dead. This must be... Gon swallowed hard, the reality sinking in. Killua... He clenched his fists, then hesitated when he realized that he didn't have ten fingers anymore. He gently unfolded them, eyeing his four fingered hands in confusion. What in the hell?

He staggered to his feet, eyes scanning his surroundings. It seemed to be a city, but filled with all these creatures. And the sky....it was red. He couldn't make sense of what he was seeing. Everything's so big too. He thought, gazing up at a set of doors that towered over him. He was feeling so many emotions right then, his body started to tremble. The body that didn't even feel like his own. "Hey, you look lost. Are you alright little guy?" Gon's eyes snapped over to a tall woman with blonde hair. She looked probably the most human of anyone he'd seen so far in this place, save for the unnaturally colored eyes and the fangs that were evident in her smile.

"Charlie, we should move on. This was supposed to be a quick outing" A deeper voice asked, and Gon swiveled his eyes to a shorter female, with greyish purple skin and a spear in her grip. There were also three other people standing behind them. Who are these people? It didn't matter, he had to- "Its ok Vaggie, we have time." The blonde woman, Charlie, said. "W-Where...Am I?" His eyes widened as he heard how high pitched his voice had become, his voice hadn't been that high since he was a preteen.

"Pentagram city, what's your name little fella?" Gon turned his head yet again, a very large pink and white creature towered over him, bending down to his level, one pair of hands on his hips and the other two resting under his chin He had an odd smirk on his face. "Angel, don't-" Vaggie started. There was just something about the way he spoke that made Gon feel strange. "Who are you?" The smirk turned to a startled and slightly offended expression. "What's pentagram city?" He muttered, frowning. Charlie's eyes widened. "Oh! You must be a new soul. Here, how about you come back with me to my hotel and I'll explain everything to you!"


"So I am dead..?" Gon clarified, his ears were on the verge of steaming at all the information he'd just gotten. At least he had a nice comfortable couch to lounge on as he questioned his existence. Charlie nodded. "Yeah, and this hotel is made to rehabilitate sinners so they can go to heaven! What do you say?" Gon looked down. What's the point? He didn't even know why he'd gone down to hell, he'd been a good person all his life. There was an awkward beat of silence, and then a sigh. "You can have some time to adjust, I know it might be shocking. Here I can show you to your room." Charlie said softly. Gon nodded, then stood up and followed her down the hallway.

His tail dragged along the floor, heavy and weighing him down. What he'd noticed, is that not only was he very small, but he was also extremely thin. He despised his new body It made him look weak, and pathetic. I can't be weak... "Here we are!" Charlie announced, opening the door and revealing a small room, with an appropriate sized bed for his stature. "Tadaa! I had some things custom made for you- oh and if you need anything else just ask!" She explained, bubbly and excited. Charlie's positivity bounced right off of him, he just walked into the room and fell face first on the bed, curling into a miserable ball. "Oh- I'll give you some time alone." She said in a hushed voice, then shut the door.

He just lay there, wallowing in his own misery. What was he even supposed to do now? Killua's gone, I'll never get to see Aunt Mito or Grandma Abe again. Or Kurapika, or Leorio... He was torn out of his thoughts by a loud rumbling, then an explosion. Huh? He thought for a few moments about whether to get up or not, but ultimately decided to go back to sulking. I should've noticed Killua going missing earlier...I'm so stupid! He went over and over in his head about how it could've possibly happened. Surely Illumi wouldn't have killed him on purpose... Gon's teeth gritted. They probably worked him to death.

He'd heard Killua talk about his 'training' quite a few times. It was awful, it pissed him off more the longer he thought about it. There was yet another explosion, this one sounded louder and came from slightly further away. Gon once again wrote it off, it was hell after all. He supposed that kind of thing happened often. Gon shivered a little, he'd been wearing his torn clothes from the night he'd died still. Gon wasn't sure how that worked, but it was cold. So, so cold. His body was thin, and didn't regulate heat very well. He hated this body, it looked so weak. He looked so pathetic. It probably effected my physical strength too, dammit. I guess I could-

Annoyingly, for the third time in the timespan for five minutes, his thought process was yet again interrupted. "Why hello there!" Gon blinked. Why did that sound like someone turned on the radio? Gon slowly turned his head, and realized there was no radio. There was a demon standing there, with a wide grin and very old fashioned attire. "What's got you in such a sullen mood?" Gon's eyes drifted downward, and he pulled the blanket over his head. It served to both hide him and bring him warmth. "None of your damn business." He spat. "Hm, you reek of self-hatred."

A scowl pulled across his face. From what he was told by Charlie earlier, this man was the host of the hotel. Which meant he couldn't just exactly tell him to go away. "What do you want?" He growled, in an attempt to sound threatening. However due to his vocal chords being altered in death, he sounded more like an aggressive lapdog than a predator. "Oh calm down, its nothing much really. This is really for your own interest." The odd sounding voice moved closer, right above the blanket Gon was curled in. Gon slowly poked his eyes up over the edge, watching as the man bent at the waist to get down closer to his level, a wide grin across his face still.

"Let's make a deal." 

1135 words

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14 ⏰

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