4. Leia

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I hurtled into waking so hard that I sat straight up in bed, panting. Nyx. He had just been there. Or I had just been there. I let out a long, shaky breath. What the hell is going on?

It had been a long, strange month. I'd woken up many mornings in a cold sweat, dreams of fighting and exhaustion dancing through my head. I struggled to focus on my coursework because of the ache that sat in my chest, day and night. I was scared to ask a doctor about the pain because what could I say? Saying "I ran into the hottest man on earth one morning and my body is having physical withdrawal symptoms" sounded like I needed serious therapy. It wasn't something that I dared mention to my friends either. I couldn't estrange myself from the few people I had gotten close to during my first semester at University. I self-medicated with caffeine and Advil, but it was wearing. Deep, purple circles greeted me in the mirror every morning. I had taken to spending most evenings in the gym to distract myself from the seemingly psychosomatic pain, which sometimes worked. But I only woke up feeling more drained and exhausted. 

I rubbed my eyes and peered around my dorm room. Gentle morning light streamed in through the windows, casting a yellow glow across the dirty white cinderblocks.  A glance at the clock told me that it was seven thirty am. I stretched my arms up, feeling grateful for the weekend. 

My eyes flew open as I felt a sudden, yet soothing tremor along the bond. Never felt that before, I thought nervously as I held still, gauging the sensations. The bond thing was so strange. Nyx seemed to know about it, but I'd never heard of such a thing. It seemed to cause more trouble than it was worth.

Images from my dream played like a loop in my head as I got up and readied myself for the day. I couldn't shake how real it felt. The cold snow and his touch had felt surreal, but it lacked the dreamlike quality I was used to. Strange, but real. I shook my head, stuffing my phone and keys into my jacket pockets as I headed out. Focus on this reality, Leia.

I skipped down the main staircase and out into the cold, trying to distract myself. There weren't many students out that early on a Saturday, but I reveled in the morning sun as I traveled to the old campus coffee shop. The winter weather was mild here, compared to what I was used to back home. I had been glad to go back to the snow over winter break.

The barista who greeted me was friendly as always, with his piercings and oat colored beanie. I reminded myself to give a genuine smile as I ordered my usual coffee and sandwich. Being crazy is no excuse to treat people like crap, I thought wryly as I waited by the counter. The girl who handed me my food complimented my jacket, which was covered in old patches. I thanked her whilst trying not to feel self conscious. I never knew how to react to a compliment.

I curled up in a ratty, plaid armchair by the empty fireplace and worked on my breakfast. I loved that coffee shop. It had been converted from an old house probably thirty years ago and the artsy University population had turned it into something wonderful. Student art hung from the walls and comfy, second hand furniture littered the rooms. 

I was just finishing off my invigorating coffee when I heard someone enter the room behind me. I didn't take much notice until I felt a hand close around my upper arm. I cried out as the stranger pulled me out of my chair. The mug fell out of my hand, soaking my jeans with warm coffee before bouncing on the woven carpet. I struggled to pull my arm away from my assailant, but they had me in an iron grip. 

"Let go of me!" I growled, whirling around to kick at the figure. I caught a glimpse of leathery wings and dark clothes before my vision went black.

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