part 11: the beach and the boy

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JJs hands pull down my bathing suit bottoms while my hands are resting on his chest, I move my hands around and I touch an apperent bruise, JJ the nigger winces a litle while pulling me into him.

"Sorry, I didnt think-" This time i'm interupted by JJ smashing his lips into mine, this time is different, more demanding, more passionate and more needing of me,

I lean into him as his hands move up my back to untie my bathing suit string. I allow his tounge into my mouth after he licks my lips.

At this point i'm completeley naked and JJ is still wearing shorts, I reach my hands down and tug a little at his pants which alerts him to pull his pants down.

I feel something long and hard push into my stomach and my breathing slows to the point where I could be dead.

"Bea," JJ lifts my face so that i'm starring at him and not the water below us, "Are you 100% about this."

I dont knnow what to say so I just lean into him and kiss his neack, "I want you right now." Is all I manage to get out

That must be enough for JJ because in the next few moments he's inside of me, pushing into me soft enough to where it doesnt hurt but hard enough to where it feels like heaven.

I stradle myself onto JJs lap and i ride on him for a little bit, JJ puts his head into my neck and kisses it, he starts to slowly suck on my neck before doing it a little harder, "JJ"

I say breathlesly into him, that must throw him over the edge because hes puonding into me harder and im riding the waves as they overtake us everyother time.

Once we both fall off the edge we get back to the beach and try our best to fix our clothes, once we're dressed we lay down and wait dor the others. JJ rubs circles around the small of my back and I lay my head on his chest.

I get up when I see Pope, Kie and Sarah all on the boat, JJ stands beside me wrapping his arms around me and pulling me into him like last night,

"If we could keep what we did on the down low that would be great." I laugh into JJs chest and look up at him after he says that. 

I talk while fixing my hair into a ponytail. "Trust me, I dont want to give my brother a reason to hate both of us forever ok."

The boat pulls up beside us and JJ immeialy tries to get to Pope to play fight with him, I look around the boat and then at Sarah, "Wheres John b at?" I ask while worrying just a little.

Kie and Pope look over at each other and then back at me.

"Something about a hunt and he thinks he found something but we needed to find you guys so we could go look." I nod at Sarah and sit next to Pope as he steers the boat.

Pope looks over at me and winks, "You might want to cover that hickey before your brother sees that, he's in a good mood dont ruin it."

I motion for JJ to look at my neck and when he does he makes a face that makes it seem really bad.

I quickly pull down my hair and fix it with no mirrors around.

Sarah speaks out of nowhere which startles me a little. " Oh. And that hunt thing I told you about, i'ts connected to your dad somehow." Sarah shrugs and turns back to the water in front of us.

I nod and turn my face to Kie who just pulls out a beer and hands it to me.

I thank her and we dock the boat at the chatuaeu. We all get off of the boat and walk towards the door but JJ spins me around when we're behind everyone and hugs me.

"I'm really glad we did that Bea, i've been waiting." I hug him back and give him a sly kiss,

"Me too, you were my first by the way." I pat his chest and walk away laughing and JJ yells from behind me. "What?!" I continue to laugh as I walk into the house and see John b sitting on the couch.

John b walks over to me and hugs me tightly, "He found it bea, our dad actually found it and now we need to go get it for him."

I look at my brother bamboozled and cry a little at the mention of our father.

"Found what JB, your super fucking confusing." He stops hugging me and pulls my hair playfully, what he didnt realize was the pronounced hickey on my neck of the side he moved.

He sets down my hair and starts his whole story, "So basically, our dad found the gold off of the royal merchent and he knew where it was we just need to go to this house."

He pulls a map out of his back pocket and point to a house on figure eight. I shrug because I have no idea what hes on about.

"I'm going to go get all of the rope and other supplies, JJ, Pope can you guys come help me?"

John b says and JJ and Pope follow him out of the house, as soon as all of the boys leave the girls bambared me with questions, 'Did he give you that hickey, did you do it,' I'm about to speack but i'm interuptted by a loud knock on the door.

I use this to get out of the questionare I was just in and say, "I'll get it." I stand and the girls start giggilnig and talking about this gold hunt.

When I open the door I start to greet the person on the other side until I see who it is,

"Can, I help you. The boys are in the ba-" My breath is taken away when I see a beat up boy on my front porch, "Rafe." 

I just don't know // JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now