14.Pines and Cops

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I ran.

With no one to chase me.

I ran.

With nothing to think.

I ran.

Deeper into the woods.

I ran.

His words echoed.

"I'll come get you."

The darkness enveloped me whole. I ran as long as my legs carried me. My feets burning. My heels broken and discarded between pants and breaks. The beautiful dress adorning my form, torn. My hair flying wild with the wind. Strands sticking to my face.

They shot him. They shot him. They shot him.

It's just been a day. A day after I discovered the swirling emotion in my head. A day after I welcomed acceptance and denial.

A day.

Tears over flowed. My thoughts too. The weight was anchoring me down and deeper in to its dungeons.

My steps halted. I looked back. Turning my head and scanning every directions for a trail outside this maze.

I'm struck. Awfully true.

I escaped.

The reality was bitter than expected.

Freedom had never tasted sour but it did now. Without him to keep me at bay. Without him to protect me.

I felt safe around him. A vulnerable creature with insecurities trespassing her mind. I was just that in front of him.

An open book.

A sauve lady.

A foe, to be most.

Footsteps echoed.

Followed by arrogant commands.

I dashed in the opposite direction of the clamour and his behind a tree that shielded me from the view of passersby.

"FIND HER FAST" were the first coherent sentence she heard. Followed by a chorus of 'yes sir'. The voice was deep and authoritative. Somewhere near to her spot from its loudness.

The pace of my breathing grew faster and I was afraid they could hear it too. I held it in. Never bothering to breath an ounce of oxygen.

"We're here to help you, ma'am. If you please co-operate with us we could help you out" the voice said. My mind was in a haze with questions.

What if it's just a trap to lure me in? Promising help to bug me out of my hiding spot. I shook my head. Not happening.

"Hello, anyone there?" Dangerously close. The source of the voice was dangerously close.

Suck it in and keep yourself together!

I took on a much defensive posture. Waiting to strike anyone in sight. Crunching of leaves echoed.



A lil' bit more.


I threw my fist at the strangers face with all the force i could muster despite the exhaustion sinking my bones. My efforts were wasted as the man ducked in time and my fist flew above his head and so did my body. I landed face first on the mud with my elbows supporting most of my weight and decreasing the effect of the fall.

"Here." I looked up to see a handsome officer. The navy blue uniform of the cops adorned his figure. Tightly hugging his body and flexing his muscles. He was no more than my age. A man in his 30s. He stood there with his hands outstretched. I took it without another second to waste. Feeling a sense of safety wash over me just by the sight of the police uniform.

I'm finally free.

Away from him.

He's no more. Mellifera is no more. There is no reason to be frightened any more.

I will publish my article on the slave trade. I will make it reach the eyes of people. I will destroy the ones that denies justice and makes other suffer.

I liked him.

But he's in a better place now.

My feelings for him, gone with him too.

A new aim carved my head. I'll work for it with my life. This world will be a better place one day.

"Markus" his hands were still on mine. Tightly clutching it as if i would disappear the moment he take it off. I smiled. A quite Frank first impression to be exact. Dirt covered clothes. Sweat trickling down my body. Swollen eyes and sore feet.

"Camila." A coarse voice greeted me. It came from my own mouth? I cleared my throat. "Yes, I know you. Camila D'mello. A journalist" he finally left my hand. Instead kept his touch on my right shoulder. "You have been reported missing by a man named Seth, I assume- unfortunately, miss, civilians informed us about the bullet fires and by the time we reached here...." His eyes travelled down to his feet. My anxiety pitches high as I awaited his next words.

"The man in the car was already.... Passed away. We saw a trail of footsteps and discarded footwears on our search. We were well aware that the man was Stephan Alphonso De Luca, the CEO of Luca Corps. I believe he'll be taken care of and your relations with him will be further investigated in the future"

"You have to take a long ride, miss."

I croaked out a question.

"To where?"


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