The Day Has Come

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So, here we go , fresh start i have told myself. So then we entered the school, these two kind looking girls that were in my homeroom came to bring me to class, they seemed very nice. So then the teacher have intoduced me to the class. I have looked around at every single person in the room they looked like they were ready to chase me out. I have tooked my seat. The teacher have left the class room for about 2 minutes, in those 2 minutes i heard so many voices , i thought they we all talking about me , man was i right , they were fake people i have dealed with them for the whole year i got used to there annoyingness and so we wern't exalecly all friends but i have 6 friends there , 5 were also new to this school and they were hispanic like me, exect she got on my nerves once and a while. But she hangs out with us at school only 1 out of the 6 acually liked her as a friend. Well, i got used to the school and i have no choice , for my last 2 years left of middle school i have to spend there.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2015 ⏰

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