Chapter 34. Day in a crazy life

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You didn't go through all that for nothing.

It's press day, you have interviews with the boys as well as some solo ones Maeve set up.

Niall knocks on your door "Are you decent?"

"Yes, just come in. Nothing you haven't already seen..." you joke while thinking back to the time Niall walked in on you and Harry one of the first times you were over.

Niall laughs "Funny. I just wanted to ask you something..."

"Yeah? If it's anything with Harry, can it wait till after the interviews?"

"It isn't about Harry. You know that there is that event tonight?" Niall lays down on your bed.

"Yeah, it's hard to avoid when it's Harry and Emilys public appearance as a couple as a couple."

"Yeah...well, I was wondering if you wanted to be my...friend date or like my plus one."

"Um of course I will! That would be amazing but don't do it because you feel like you have too just because Harry is there with somebody else and you feel bad." you turn on your desk-chair and smile.

Niall looks around awkwardly "Well that is kind of why...not to be rude just to be honest but it was also because we talked, and we wanted you to be our group plus one or date."

"I feel conflicted because ouch and awh at the same time. So of course. I will be right by your guys' side. Can you get my leader jacket from behind the door?"

Niall takes the jacket and puts it over your shoulders "You look beautiful, you're going to do amazing today! I can feel it!"

"Thank you Niall, we'll see."

You start playing some music.

"So Harry?" Niall asks with a grin on his face.

"Really?" you sigh, roll your eyes and laugh.

"Hey, i love love and right now i have zero in my own life so i'm living in others. Please talk!" Niall pleads.

"There is nothing to tell, he is with Emily, fake or not i don't care because we are f.."

"Fuckbuddies, i know." Niall interjects.

"I was going to say friends actually but now that you mention it, yeah, yeah we are..."fuckbuddies" you laugh.

"Good, glad we cleared that up." Niall gags.

"Anything else?"

Niall chances the topic "actually yeah this is THE perfect song."

"perfect song?"

Niall puts out his hand while slightly grooving "Yeah, perfect song!"

"oh really? I don't think..."

"So tell me what you want. What you really, really want." he sings looking at you with a smirk.

You roll your eyes "I'll tell you what I want. What I really, really want." You break into singing and dancing with Niall.

"So tell me what you want. What you really, really want. I wanna"


"I wanna"


"I wanna"


"I wanna"


"I wanna really, really, really wanna 'Zig-a-zig' ah"

Harry walks in and bursts out laughing seeing you and Niall singing into hair brushes "What is going on?"

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