Tensions rising

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The car stopped at Kendall house and getting out the car was Kaylee, all the girls was standing on Kendall porch to welcome her with hugs.

KG: "Welcome back Kaylee!"

Kaylee: "I'm glad to be back it's been a while. Is Kendall still you know."

Camila: "Yea we're trying to get her out still."

Kaylee: "Well now I'm here to help."

Meanwhile Johnny pulled up to his house and got out the car and Khalil was on his porch waiting for him.

Khalil: "If it isn't Johnny the street thug turned wimp over a girl."

Johnny: "Not now I'm not in the mood for whatever this is."

Khalil stepped in front of Johnny walk way.

Khalil: "What the little kiddish girl not doing it for you.?"(he laughed)

Johnny head butted him and then put a gun to his head.

Johnny: "You talk about Kaylee again and I'll paint the neighborhood with your blood."

He took the gun away from his head and went inside his house. Khalil got up and smirked.

Later that day Keelan was at home. He was on the phone with KG

Keelan: "Yes okay I'm on my way to pick you up KG, no I'm not just saying that and still sitting down." (He said as he stood up)

After they got off the phone he grabbed the keys and headed towards the door when he seen car lights.

Keelan: "Who the hell?"

Keelan opened the door to see who it was when he stepped out a gunshot went off.

Keelan looked down and saw he was bleeding from the stomach. He fell to his knees pulled out his phone and texted KG to get here fast. Then he passed out.

The next morning he woke up in the hospital.

KG: "It's about time sleepy."

Keelan: "Not every day I get shot at my own house."

KG: "Well look I called Max to come watch you til I return."

Keelan: "Where are you going?"

KG: "To handle some business."

She walked out and went and got in the car. KG drove all the way to Lexus house.

She banged on the door repeatedly until she finally heard someone coming to answer.

Lexus opened the door and was met by KG fist. Lexus fell to the ground.

Lexus: "Ouch what the fuck."

KG: "I know you got this revenge scheme against me or whatever but you attempt to kill my brother again and I will give you the war you want I promise you that!"

KG kicked Lexus down as she was getting up and then walked out. After KG left Lexus pulled out her phone and called her team.

Lexus: "Meet me at my house now emergency meeting."

Meanwhile at Camila house Jason came back with their food.

Camila: "Thank you, hey what's in the bag is that weed again."

Jason: "Actually is this new thing I got it from my supplier."

Camila: "I'm not sure that's safe to take without knowing what it is or what it does."

Jason: "I got it from this guy at school I know trust me it should be fine."

Meanwhile Kaylee was at Johnny house and they were laying in bed.

Johnny: "When are you going to tell KG what's to come?"

Kaylee: "I don't know she already so much on her plate I don't need to worry her with this."

Johnny: "If you don't tell her soon it'll be too late."

Kaylee I guess you're right.

Back at Lexus house.........

Lexus: "We agreed no killing! Who took a shot at KG brother?!"

Yuri: "Look I don't think no one would do that but he lived so it's fine."

Lexus: "No it's not we aren't killers."

Khalil: "Maybe you aren't but I think who shot him should've finished it."

Cristina: "Forget that Kaylee is back I can finally get her ass."

Lexus: "Every one settle the hell down!"

Melissa came walking in

Melissa: "it's the boss Lexus!"

Lexus: "put him on speaker."

Boss: "Listen I had someone take the shot at Keelan and I don't need to explain myself but I want you to go after a new target before it too late."

Lexus: "Who?"

Boss: "Kaylee."

Cristina: "Yes gladly."

Lexus: "No wait KG is the target that's what we agreed on."

Boss: "Khalil."

Khalil came up and slammed Lexus head on the table and held her down.

Boss: "Remember your place or you won't have one. Cristina handle Kaylee by any means necessary."

Cristina: "As you wish."

Meanwhile KG went back to the hospital to visit her brother. She came in max was asleep in the chair KG sat on his lap.

Keelan: "You know sitting on an unconscious person can look pretty bad."

KG: "Trust me he like being under me awake or not."

Keelan: "Jesus kill me already."

KG: "Hey turn the tv up."

Keelan grabbed the remote and turned the tv.

News reporter: "It was just reported that Micheal Rivera, Kendall Ebeling and Yuna Gonzalez escaped prison this afternoon and there's a city wide search for them.

KG: "They didn't."

Keelan: "Holy shit."

Meanwhile Kaylee left out the front door but was met by Cristina and a gun pointed at her face.

Cristina: "Hey Kaylee long time no see."

Kaylee: "Cristina."

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