Sorry about my absence, stuff has been happening in real life

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Hi, everyone. If you don't know, I'm Granger/Christopher (whatever you want to call me, I don't really mind), the 17 year old trans dude that owns this account. You all have (hopefully) been wondering where I disappeared off to over the last couple of months. Or you might have not, I don't know. I feel like I should explain myself to you all.

I'm not going to sugar-coat this but I feel like I have to actually say what has been happening. If you do happen to follow me on Instagram (grangerbates, all one word) or you are subscribed to my YouTube Channel (linked on my profile), you probably know what I'm about to say here so here we go, hmm? 

The start of 2024 was absolutely shit, my depression has been getting worse and worse and I've been feeling more bored of life and I don't know what I'm doing with my life at the moment. In both personal stuff and also finding a job after I left college now a year ago. But then something else happened that made me a lot more worse. Something that everyone goes through at least once in life but one that you don't imagine happening to you.

On the 10th of January of this year, my grandfather passed away after what is believed to be from choking or pneumonia that he had been diagnosed with a few weeks before. As I am writing this, it is the 6th of February 2024, his funeral was yesterday. And fuck me, was that hard?

Life doesn't feel normal anymore for me. I keep waking up every morning and expecting to head downstairs to see him sitting in his chair in the living room, asking when I was going to get the morning paper for him down the shop. I miss him so fucking much, even if I don't like to admit it. He was a gruff old man but I loved him more than anything deep down. He might of been as dumb as a bag of hammers at times but he was still my grandfather. So, that being said, I don't mean to dump all of my problems onto you but if the small chance that you have been worried about where I have gone off to- there's your answer.

On a much more brighter note of my absence, I have been writing my book 'Noah Hawthorne and The School of Dragons' with the first book being released around a month ago today. I am currently in the process of writing the second book but I can't say when that will be out. At one point, I did have the book on here for some people to give me some reviews or something like that but I didn't get that much on there but what can you do?

It's a story of a boy named Noah Hawthorne and his first school year of Marshall Briggs' School of Dragonology, something that Harry Potter actually inspired me to write. I like to think that it's rather good but I'll let you be the judge of that. I will warn you in advance of any of you hopefully buying a copy or two that from me looking at the contents of the copy that I bought for myself, there are some printing errors here and there but it's not the end of the world. Shit happens.

Writing has helped me cope with things like this in the past and I would love nothing more than to  become a full-fledged author one day but if that will ever happen is questionable. Just fucking look at the first book that I put out into the world a year ago now. For those of you have read my first book, 'Act Like We're Just Friends', I am sorry but I cannot afford your therapy. For those who haven't read it, I'd save your sanities now and don't buy a copy. 

Anyways, I thought I would come on here and tell you why I haven't been posting much, I will try and post more but I cannot say if I will or not. My mental health isn't the best at the moment. Either way, I love you all and I hope you have a wonderful day/night wherever you are...

Christopher/Granger Bates OUT!

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