Chapter 38. The end

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Everthing will be ok in the end, if it's not ok it's not the end.

You're back in bed, Arlo has drifted off to sleep beside you, his rhythmic breathing a comforting presence in the dimly lit room. As you scroll through comments and tweets from your supporters, your gaze lingers on some pictures of Harry and Emily from tonight, a bittersweet pang tugging at your heart.

Harry looks effortlessly handsome, his smile radiant and his presence magnetic. A wistful smile tugs at your lips as you imagine standing beside him, sharing moments of laughter and connection...publicly.

"One day," you whisper to yourself.

Before you can dwell further on your thoughts, your phone buzzes, pulling you back to the present. Glancing over, you see James's name flashing on the screen, a sudden interruption to your musings.

"Hi, 2 sec Ash! NO!" you hurry and say.

With a sudden start, you rise from your seat and tiptoe into the main area, careful not to disturb the slumbering Arlo. The air is thick with a quiet stillness, broken only by the gentle hum of the refrigerator. "We got cats or they are kittens so they are everywhere. Sorry, what's up?" you inquire softly, your voice barely above a whisper.

You hear him sigh.

Your heart quickens. "Is it bad news?" you ask, your voice tinged with worry.

"Yes, I'm very sorry."

Your breath catches in your throat, the world around you suddenly turning dim as James's words sink in. "For what?!" you manage to utter.

James's voice, steady yet heavy with sorrow, delivers the crushing blow. "Your mom has been in an accident. She is in the hospital."

A sharp intake of breath pierces the silence, the weight of his words crashing over you like a relentless wave. Tears well up in your eyes, blurring the edges of your vision as grief washes over you in a torrential flood. In this moment, the room seems to spin, your mind reeling from the shock of the news.

Why this sadness? You haven't spoken to her since she left you with Arlo, yet her presence looms large in your mind. Her face materializes before you, haunting and familiar. You shut your eyes tightly, but she remains, a ghostly presence lingering in your thoughts.

Outside, the rain pours relentlessly against the window panes, a melancholic symphony echoing the turmoil within. Warm tears stream down your cheeks, each drop tasting of bitter saltiness.

Why did she choose to hurt you in this way? How can one person hold the power to inflict so much pain? Despite everything, why is your love for her still so strong, steadfast and unyielding, akin to a daughter's love for her mother?

You stagger over to the couch and collapse onto its soft cushions, your voice trembling as you struggle to find words. "Ummm, I... Is she... What... How... I... Please tell me everything you know!"

"She is stable. She has gotten paralyzed from the waist down and a serious skull fracture."

Your breath catches in your throat. "What! What happened? What was the accident?"

"She was returning from a business trip when the weather turned rainy, making the road slippery," James explains. "It seems she may have been tired and lost concentration. Drifting into the other lanes of the highway, she collided with up to five cars. That's the extent of the information I have at the moment."

"Omg," you whisper, the reality of the situation settling over you like a heavy blanket, suffocating and claustrophobic.

You're left breathless, jaw hanging as the scene plays out in your mind. Emotions surge through you like a raging river, your heart pounding so hard it almost hurts. Memories flood back, taking you to those childhood days when you waited eagerly for her return, only to be greeted by the smell of hotels, buses, and strange places.

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