Chapter 1: A New Future

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I sat on my bed, reading as per usual. The lovely afternoon sunlight pouring in my room. As I read, I loved each page as I sat down relaxed, reading my cares away. A gentle breeze filled the room, the curtains flowing in the breeze. I look away from my book as I gaze out the window, looking out to the city, the kingdom. Even from the castle the city of Mondstadt looked lovely, buildings stood above, clear to see from a distance, the crown city had buildings carved of marble in different colors with polished roofs, often having a golden symbol with them. Farther out in the distance was the main town, buildings made of wood, painted in several different shades. Windows were opened, lively chatter from the town flooded my room. I smile at it.

A knock comes from my door and my attention is brought back. I walk over to answer the door. A guard stands there clad in armor

"Princess Lumine, your presence is requested in your father's chambers" The soldier said.

I nod.

"Tell him I'll be there shortly" I reply to the guard, he nods in return

"Of course my princess" The soldier then walked off

I sigh and dust off my dress, heading out of my room.

I walk through the corridors and halls made of shining marble. Windows were opened with carvings above them. I look out them, flower gardens were being tended to by the other servants. I take a breath of the crisp outside air as I continue walking down the halls, making turns and more turns until I finally found my father's chambers, I knock on the wooden door.

"Father? May I come in?" I ask

"You may, my daughter" My fathers voice says from the door

I gently enter and he sits by a nearby desk made of fine wood, he motions to the other chair, telling me to sit. I sit down in front of my father, hands in my lap, wondering why he summoned my to his quarters.

"Lumine, there is something I wish to speak about" Father began.

"Continue, father" I reply

"It's now the time.." He sighs and I know fully well of what he means "I know this is sudden, but the kingdom of Liyue wishes you to wed their prince, Prince Xiao."

My eyes widen, wed the prince of Liyue? It was indeed sudden, yet I knew that I wouldn't be allowed to refuse,but in truth I didn't want to refuse, perhaps this marriage would turn out well? Even though Liyue and Mondstadt are close allies after dousing the flames of war, they weren't close with one another, there was very heavy distance that separated us from Liyue considering how different we are. It wasn't just land distance, but also how different our views are, Liyue puts heavy importance on tradition and customs, yet Mondstadt focuses on freedom, letting the people do what they wish.

I contemplate of how to respond, and contemplate what this will mean for both kingdoms, and for me and the prince. If Prince Xiao and I marry, then Liyue and Mondstadt will grow closer which will provide aid if it's needed by each other as well as creating a new generation of royals and closer bonds with nations like Inazuma and Fontaine. Quite a well thought out arrangement, I thought. Yet as for what it means for me, I'd be marrying Xiao, having to change my views as well as whole life to be in Liyue and as for Xiao, I don't know him well, I'm unsure how he'd feel about a Mondstadt princess like me. I sigh aloud.

"I know that this a tough decision to make, my dear daughter, but I must know your answer" Father says to me warmly.

I look to him.

"I will accept this marriage to Prince Xiao." I say firmly, though in truth I couldn't be less sure of myself.

Father smiles at my response.

"I'm proud of you, my dear daughter" He says, putting a hand on my shoulder. His golden eyes looking to me proudly. He brings me in a warm embrace

"You've matured and grown so well, seems my dear daughter is grown up now." He says to me

I gently laugh at that.

"Even if I'm grown up, I'm still your dear daughter, Father." I say to him, smiling.

Father lets out a hearty laugh as well, filling the room.

"Quite right my dear!" He continues to laugh for a while before turning to me "Lumine" He takes my hands in his

"I know how you feel, arranged marriages and moving kingdoms is quite a difficult task. But my dear, I know you can push through as you have always done" He says to me, his tone gentle.

I nod and smile at him gratefully.

"Thank you, father. You've certainly eased my worries" I said to him as I slowly dust off my dress.

"Father, If I may ask, when is this marriage? And when will I be meeting the prince?" I ask him.

"The marriage is scheduled in eleven months and as for when you meet the prince, it shall be tomorrow. Prepare for heading to Liyue, alright?" Father tells me.

"Of course." I get up from my chair, and head towards the exit of the room.

Once I was out of the room, I sighed heavily. In there I sounded so sure of myself, but in reality I couldn't be more afraid. I was going to have to change my whole life, for Liyue? I thought of the people and things that would await me there.

I would be alone there.

I would have to change my views.

I would have to leave Mondstadt behind.

I would be leaving... him.

I shake my head, trying to shake away those thoughts, my focus back on reality.

I continue to walk back to my room, walking through the calm corridors and halls made of marble, the arched windows and the flower filled gardens being tended. I tried encapsulating every detail of the palace in my head because after I headed to Liyue, I knew I couldn't come back to Mondstadt. The thought of that makes me shudder slightly. I eventually reach my room, opening the door.

I stand in the entrance of my room for a short while, observing every detail.

I had one large window on the wall, with certain flowers assorted.

My bed was made of white silk and plush cotton, pillows and a book laying on it, specifically the book called, Lovers of Sun and Moon.

I turn to my desk, which was next to the window. I had some paint pallets on my desk and some sheet music. Piles and piles of books stood there that I hadn't tended to, mainly because I always had to study.

A large bookshelf stood by my desk, facing it. Half of it was filled with my personal favorites, yet alas studying always seems to bite me in the neck.

I had a pretty magnificent dresser, it had many different dresses made of lace and silk in shades of ivory and blue.

My flute case sat on the floor by my bookshelf. I hadn't played in a few days, I smile at it, I missed. playing it but now wasn't the time to play, not when I had much else to do. I sigh and sit on my bed, my mind filled with thoughts. I look out the window again, looking toward the city.

My heart is slowly weighed down, as if the future didn't terrify me enough, a new one was coming for me at rapid speed.

I observed the city, the breeze swirling in my room and wondered if it would be for the last time I would see this city, and the last time to see those I held dear.

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