Unstable - Part I

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Mr and Mrs Suria awaited anxiously in the waiting room. Mr Suria was fidgeting with his thumbs whilst his wife paced up and down the room.

'I don't like this...' She started. 'We should have kept him at home! We have all the equipment there and- and we could have called the doctors over!'

Mr Suria pinched the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes. 'Maybe so. But why take the chance?'

'We've been through all of this before! You know that!' She shouted.

'Not like this...you know his birthday is coming up.' He countered.

Before the duo could continue, the door opened up and revealed a white-coated doctor with a young boy by her side. She had a small smile on her face while the boy appeared exhausted.

'Thank you for your patience.' She said, unable to continue before the parents interrupted.

'How is he?! Is he alright?' Mrs Suria asked, holding her son's face gently within her palms.

'This episode is no different than the previous. All he requires is bedrest.' She explained. 'I'm more concerned about the inevitable progression of his symptoms.'

The young boy's face darkened at that line which only encouraged his mother to hold him closer. After thanking the doctor for their time, the family left the hospital's front entrance. Awaiting them was an armed security detail guarding a black limosine parked in front. The group entered the extensive backseat, invited by the driver holding open the door, as they drove off in the middle of the night. Throughout the journey, the young boy stayed silent while his parents debated the response they had given to his latest episode.

'I'm telling you, we didn't need to go through this trouble. Korasami is already put through enough!' Mrs Suria argued.

'What's wrong with making sure our son is safe?!' Mr Suria fired back. 'You get it, don't you Kora?'

The duo turned to their son, immediately noticing the somber look he held as he stared out of the car window to the streetlights they passed.

'Kora? What's the matter?' Mrs Suria asked, sitting beside her son and placing her hand on his shoulder.

'It's a sick joke, isn't it?' Korasami quietly responded. 'Birthdays are meant to be celebrated yet all I can do is dread mine.'

'Come now, we can manage it! Besides, maybe the next quirk will help you heal.' Mr Suria reassured while Mrs Suria nodded in agreement. Korasami could only look away as the car sped along down the road.

Later that evening, Korasami laid in bed and stared up at the ceiling. He didn't feel like seeing the medical equipment beside him. All these years later, he thought, and he still couldn't get used to his parents carrying him to bed like a child. It was far easier than walking, though, especially when his muscles were burning up.

His eyes felt so heavy. He could barely glance over to the pitcher of water his parents had brought him when his episode began. Slowly lifting his arm, a mass of purple tendrils began to sprout forth seamlessly from his skin. Years of practice, and professional training from a plethora of hired heroes, had given him near-complete control over his Quirks. They slithered over to the water container and poured himself a glass, before slowly bringing it over to the weak boy and permitting him to take a sip.

Korasami rolled his eyes. He knows people would love to have Quirks like he does. With the amount of times he's been told how amazing of a hero he could be, he'd make back his family's entire net worth and more. Despite that, all he can think about is the pain it brings him.

Before he could linger on those thoughts, his phone buzzed to life as he received a call. He hesitated for a moment before he realised it was a phone call. He sighed, thankful for not having to deal with light in his current condition.

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