Chpt 12

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Avi invited me to his game later this week. I should go. I didn't ask what night, but I'll figure it out when I decide for sure if I'm going. I settle on the couch to watch a movie before bed. 

I'm flying through unfamiliar trees this time. Uncomfortable, but happy to be flying, I stay aware of my surroundings. The moonlight reflects blue on the leaves, making the canopy above me look mystic. A loud hoot stops me in my tracks and I land on a nearby branch. It wasn't frightening me, but it sounded like it came from everywhere around me. Perched on the branch, I start to feel a tug, then a breeze begins like a push in the direction of the tug I feel. So I fly, carried by the breeze and lead by the feeling in my chest. It leads me to a large clearing in the middle of the blue forest. In the middle stands a beautiful woman, hair as dark as midnight and eyes piercing blue. A small black owl flies in and perches delicately on her shoulder. Then I feel the grass on my bare feet. I look down, not realizing I landed from my flight, and see pink fleshy feet, toenails painted blue. I look over my appendages, owl legs and wings replaced with human arms and legs, not a feather in sight. I look back at the woman in the clearing, looking at the owl, recognizing the face I see in every pond. My owl face. But if I'm here...

"Hello, Sephora. You must be confused. Let me introduce myself then I will clear things up perfectly." She says. She offers her hand out to me and I walk up to her, wanting to know more about this beautiful stranger. Drawn to know more.

"Who are you? Why am I here...but not myself...but sitting there with you on your shoulder?" I ask my confused question as I reach her grab her hand, reaching her in twenty steps, the clearing seeming much smaller now. 

"Hush my child, I will explain as much as you allow me to." she says lovingly. "I am Amira, Mother of the Owls. I watch over all the owls and mystics that roam the forests and towns of this whole mountain. I am the reason you have been having special dreams lately." She tells me who she is but I still give her a confused look.

"But what am I doing here? This isn't my forest." I start feeling a slight bit of anxiety, realizing my forest is unprotected with me here.

"No, Sephora, it's mine. I called you here. You've flown quite a distance to be here again."

"Again?" The owl on her shoulder ruffles its feathers as she laughs at my confusion, a playful tinkling sound. 

"Yes, my child, again. I called you here the night before you started having those 'dreams' of yours. I told you then a change was coming into your life. And tonight, I called you here to tell you again that a change is coming."

"What kind of change? What was the last change?"

"I awakened your inner self the first night to allow you to have those dreams. This time it's your own choice to continue learning more. If you choose, I will let you return to how things were. You would keep the dreams, but that's all they'd ever be for you." The owl lets out a soft hoot of disapproval, letting us know they disagree with that thought. "I see you wear the feather of another around your neck. Did they give that to you themself?"

"A very special human in my life did. I found the feathers with my friend one day and he took them to make this for me." I smile at the feeling of warmth that runs through me. She smiles in return.

"This child of mine is you, Sephora. The inside You. The things that drive you with such force in every part of your life, is my gift to you. The one gift I offer all of my precious children. And when I saw the things happening in your area, I had to let you know that I am here to keep you safe through it all."

"So...I am mentally, magically, linked to an owl that I see in my dreams?" She laughs at my unsure statement.

"My dearest child. Always trying to find the logic and reasoning. It will all be clear soon enough. Will you fly with me, Sephora? I will take you back to your home before you wake." She squeezes my hand with the offer.

"How? I don't have wings. Neither do you." More tinkling, loving laughter.

"Oh, my child. You have much to learn, and plenty of time to decide if you want to become more aware." She coaxes the owl from her shoulder to her wrist then places her onto mine. The owl stares into my eyes, an earthy brown like my own. A hoot sounds and I look around for the source. The woman is now a beautiful white owl, colors reminding me of a perfectly toasted marshmallow. She calls to me again; a beckoning sound. Then I am flying again, flesh covered once again with feathers. I fly to her and she leads the way back home. Her words float in my mind. 'You will become a wonderful creature of this forest, Sephora. I see many great things ahead of you. Stick with my child, and you will achieve those many great things. He will look after you in all ways, as you are my gift to each other.' Her kind voice is full of love and motherly pride. 'What do you mean?' I find myself mentally asking her. 'Avi. He is another child of mine. I know you have been seeing each other. I placed him right where he needed to be. I place all of my children exactly where they need to be. They all get the call. They all can choose whether or not to listen. Avi just needed a reason to come back.' she says. 'But that's his story to tell, not mine. For now, enjoy the nights you spend flying, my dear child. On your next birthday I will call you again to my forest, and you will decide if you want more to this.' That's months away. I do have plenty of time. The feeling of her leaves me as we come into familiar trees and sounds. Then I'm flying alone through the trees again. Only the feeling of love and comfort reminding me of the talk with the strange but kind lady. Amira. 

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