★ Chapter 1 ★ : The Message

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- ,, February 6th, 05:00pm

It's sunny outside, such good weather. I should be going out or doing something productive, but here I am, binge watching Bluey and lazing around in bed.

I sigh, turning the TV off and about to go take a shower when I hear a buzz from my phone. Who's it now? Barely anyone texts me nowadays.

*you've received a notification from Mr. Bang*

> open , reply , close  <

My face brightens instantly as I see that Chan had sent a message on Bubble. I squeal for a minute, kicking my feet and rolling around in my bed, screaming at my photocards, before finally calming down.

I click open on the notification.

Mr. Bang: Y/N~ What are you doing for Valentine's Day?

It's right around the corner, haha.

Have you got a valentine yet?

No? I'll be your Valentine~

Let's have a movie date. What movie should we watch? Give recommendations!

I squeal when I see the messages he's sent. He's been so flirty with stays nowadays, it's really clear he's much more delusional than us. But you can't blame him, he hasn't been able to do channie's room in a long time, so he might as well have fun with us in another way.

I take a deep breath and type out a few replies, even though he'll really only see them through a group chat and literally never reply directly. I wish he could though.

We should watch Two Week's Notice. It's such a good movie for Valentine's Day.

You've been getting way too delusional though. Are you that bored, Chris? 🤨

After replying, I turn my phone off and put it down on my bedside table. "Ugh. I really need a shower, and I'm not waiting any longer." I grab my clothes and quickly go into the bathroom.

~ 05:34pm

I hop onto the bed happily after drying my hair, rolling around and wrapping myself in my blanket cozily. "Comfyyyyy...I never wanna leave my bed again."

I let out a satisfied sigh before grabbing my phone and seeing that there was another notification from Bubble from Chan. "He seems pretty active today."

I open the notification and read through the messages.

Mr. Bang: Is this a glitch?

What's going on?

Why can I see your messages?


I gasp. Was he really able to directly message me? There's no way. He's probably messing with multiple of us stays or something. I reply out of fun.

Haha, very funny. Always pranking stays. Now you're pretending to see our messages, huh?

I'm definitely not pranking anyone.

What the fuck??

My eyes widen so much, my eyeballs might just pop out of my eye sockets.

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