Chapter 3

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Even though Jasper was home, he couldn't sleep. Matt noticed it as he too layed awake on the couch. He sat up and swung his legs till his feet touched the ground. Jasper kept tossing and turning till Matt heard him stop and get up from bed himself. Matt chuckled slightly as he heard his bare feet pad against the hardwood floor and the door slowly open. The hinges squeaked as Jasper walked into the living room, his hair tousled as he rubbed his face.

"I need to get those oiled," Matt joked softly. "What are you doing up?" he asked.

Jasper groaned nasally as he walked over and sat beside him. "Couldn't sleep.." He muttered, leaning his head against Matt's shoulder. "What about you?" he asked.

"Couldn't sleep cuz you couldn't sleep," Matt snarkily replied, rubbing Jasper's head. "Why can't you sleep?" he asked gently. He felt Jasper shrug.

"Too many thoughts left my journal at Caroline's," he muttered. "Got any ideas?" he asked, looking up at him.

Matt rubbed his face softly and nodded his head. "I've got an idea, get into some gym wear and put your shoes on," he said as he got up, tapping Jasper's cheek softly as he did so.

Jasper furrowed his brows as he watched him. "I only have boots," he commented before getting up. He heard Matt comment as he got dressed.

"Doesn't matter!" he called out. Jasper exhaled and pulled on a T-shirt and some shorts.

"Where are we going?" Jasper asked as he pulled his boots on.

Jasper followed Matt into an empty gym, the lights flickering on one by one. Matt placed a bag down and sat on the bench. Jasper looked around, letting his bag slide off his shoulder.

Matt lifted his head as Jasper's bag fell onto the ground. "Come here kid," he said, pulling wraps from his bag. He waited for him till he felt the weight shift on the bench. "Follow along with me, wrap your hands up, shoes off too," he passed some wraps for both of them.

"Are we boxing?" Jasper asked as he pulled his shoes off, watching Matt wrap his hands.

"Yeah, thought you could get some of those thoughts out," Matt said gently, reaching over and feeling over Jasper's knuckles. "My dad did the same,"

"With you?" He asked. Matt got up and pulled his glasses off before he led Jasper into the ring. Once the two climbed in, Matt held his hands up and motioned with his fingers.

"Kind of, he more used it himself. Now hands up," Matt smiled a bit. "Come at me,"

Jasper's eyes widened as his eyebrows reached his hairline. "What?"

"Come on Jas, come at me and say something bothering you. If you land a hit, I'll do the same," Matt explained, the two circling each other. Jasper gulped and hesitantly nodded his head. He watched Matt's movements and found an opening. He bolted forward, Matt slipped past him, and Jasper tumbled into the ropes. Matt chuckled slightly as he heard his grumbles.

"I can't go to gym class," Jasper hesitantly admitted as he got back on his feet. Matt listened to him as he began moving again.

"How come?" Matt asked, dodging a few more attempts from Jasper. Jasper gulped, balancing his weight between his feet.

"He's in my class... we usually do pretty physical contact sports and... I can't stand the idea of him touching me.." he muttered. "I can't even stand up against him without freezing or panicking," he scoffed. He bit his lip before aiming and jabbing Matt in the side. He smiled a tad as Matt stumbled, a similar smile on his face. "Your turn,"

"Alright," Matt said gently. He thought for a moment. "I'm worried about Quinn, she said she has a close relationship with that teacher you were talking about and he seems shady," he admitted. Jasper listened and nodded his head, his thoughts swirling around his head.

"I'll keep an eye on it, even if she hates me right now," he said honestly. Matt nodded his head and took a moment to trip his son. Jasper groaned as his head hit the mat. He looked up at Matt and sighed.

"I want to do something with the video but I don't know where to start," Jasper said, his body slumping on the mat. "I tried talking to El- to the girl who sent it to me but she doesn't want to get involved," he explained as he sat up. Matt exhaled and reached his hand out to him. Jasper grabbed onto it and pulled himself onto his feet.

"Who is this?" he asked gently.

Jasper clenched his jaw. "Elise... she's Jake's sister... Quinn knows her," he muttered. "I wanna... I wanna talk to her..." he whispered.

Matt nodded his head and clasped his hand on his shoulder. "Did she say anything when you briefly spoke?" he asked.

"Just that she wants her brother to get what he deserves... their dad is like mine..." Jasper huffed. "Maybe I could help?" he asked. "If she's stuck in a situation like mine, I can help her," he said gently.

"I think you need to focus on yourself before going to help others," Matt suggested, holding his hands up. "One, two, one, two. Go," he stated. Jasper exhaled and raised his hands, tapping his fists against Matt's wrapped ones.

"Do you think I'll be able to help anyone?" he asked hesitantly, keeping up with the movements.

"You've got a lot of heart and you know what it's like to hurt. I know you will," Matt said, his voice full of promise. Jasper nodded his head and kept going.

Hours later after going round and round, they went back to the apartment and Jasper slept till 2 the next day. 

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