Chapter 2

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Ethan's POV
Hours Earier

I sat in English class barely awake, my head starting to slowly nod to sleep. I could barely stay awake anymore, school becoming harder this semester than the one before. I was barely passing this class be at that. I tried to pay attention, but talking about the difference in APA and MLA boring me. Not because I knew it, but because I don't care. I turned next to Damon, my friend, my gay friend. He was already looking at me, but turned his head away at the last second. Sure was he cute, absolutely, but I could t date him. We have been friends since preschool. He sure tried but it made things awkward between us.

Damon: Are you even paying attention?

Ethan: Yeah, why?

Damon: Class is over.

I shot up from my seat and saw the teacher giving me a disappointed look and most of the students had gone already. God was I bad at school.

Ethan: Okay let's go before she kills me.

Damon: Don't worry, she likes me at least.

Ethan: Becasue you're gay.

Damon: Yeah so are you.

Ethan: No, bisexual but yeah I guess.

We both got up and left the class, our bags wearing us down. Damon soon got on the topic of my next date.

Damon: She's really cool, she's into fashion, hates broccoli, and d...

Ethan: Doesn't care that I have money, I know.

Damon: Hey don't say that, I'm trying manners!

Ethan: I know, I just hate how people only want to get with me because my parents set up a wonderful trust fund for me.

Damon: Well I'm really trying... Hey I have an idea!

Oh god, Damon and his ideas, what now.

Ethan: Oh Jesus Christ what now?

Damon: No, nothing bad, there's a website where you can watch girls do stuff.

Ethan: Like what stuff?

Damon: You know, sexy stuff.

Ethan: Oh well, I'll check it out sometime, maybe I'll find something interesting.

Damon: They have a Men and Women's section so you have options.

Ethan: Okay we'll see. Have a good day, see ya tomorrow.

Damon: Bye E!

Ethan: Bye D.

I shook my head as he practically skipped away. I walked to the student parking and got in my car, the more expensive car in the lot. Of course there were girls nearby eyeing me. It gets annoying fast but I always try to think positively about whomever is talking to me.

Girl 1: Hi Edward!

I turned and she was calling to me, nope, bad egg.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10 ⏰

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