
55 3 1

I gave up near the end


words ;;  778


 [Red's POV] 

Red slowly crept out of his comfy bed, the light sound of his bed aching made him blench slightly, before calming back down and letting out a silent sigh of relief. He took a step around the potted plants—and daisies—in his room and down the steps, trying his best to step on the noncreaky sections. 

 Their house was cold and silent, the ideal time for him to try and pull off this type of stunt without getting into any trouble with the rest-- or with Blue with that matter. 

Slipping away from the front door, he grinned playfully before running past the old, monotone couch and over to the kitchenette where all the food,—and where the sacred recipe book was stored.

His eyes darted around the tidy counters and drawers, peering over and finally letting his gaze fall upon a yellow book. His grin turned even wider, opening the book in the middle and flipping through random recipe pages to try and find the one he was looking for. 

Red finally got the correct page, skimming through the writing that looked like too much of erratic blobs to read correctly. 

"...Right. Yeah. Yeah! This is easy!" 

He simpered, pulling open a cabinet from the bottom shelf near his feet and pulling out a frying pan. He turned his head to look over at the chest from the far right of him, a beam of confidence implanted on his face as he opened it and stuffed his hand inside to try and find what he was searching for. 


 [Blue's POV]

He stirred awake softly,  his eyes adjusting to the darkness as he rose and perched at the edge of his bed.  He wiped his sapped eyes, glancing over at the clock on his nightstand. 

6: 12

He exhaled muzzily, "Guess I'll get started on breakfast.." he stared at the wall before him for a good second, getting on his feet and carefully stepping out his door-- not intending to wake the others up, especially Second...

Leaving his door ajar, he steps outside the house, as--.. 


Is that smoke?

Blue quickly turned his gaze over to the black pollution in the distance, dazed. He snapped back to his senses as the smoke grew more heavy,  scrutinizing where it was coming from.



[Red's POV]

Red was running around chaotically, searching everywhere for any source of water or liquid-- anything to put out the blazing fire that seemed to be growing every second that passed. It seemed like almost half of Blue's kitchen was on fire, the eggs and bacon burnt to a crisp--it was a surprise that none of it were ashes yet. Could he still eat it?

Red didn't have time to think, anyway. Panicking, he opened the chest and dumped everything onto the floor in hopes of finding something. Some eggs, some fruit, yada yada. The last thing that came out was a half-drunken water bottle-- probably left by green.

He sighed either in relief, or disappointment-- probably a mix of both due to the circumstances he was currently facing. Without a second thought, he took off the bottle cap as quickly as he could, dumping the rest of the water onto the flames.

Red coughed up a storm, his eyes watering due to the rising fumes. it.. surprisingly worked. Who knew Minecraft water was better at putting out fires than regular water? The fire dwindled out, making small crackles and pops of noise as it did so...

...well, that's at least one problem dealt with.


[Blue's POV]

Blue grimaced, covering his mouth. He briskly ran over, staring at the burnt, smoky mess that was before the Kitchen. His mouth was agape, turning his gaze over to red.

".. well, in my defense..." Red started, looking over at Blue with both his hands on his chest.

Blue stared at him blankly, unsure what to say. He sighed and looked back over at the kitchen. "...what the hell were you even trying to do?"

"Trying to make bacon and eggs—..."

A distorted ping sound was heard on the counter.

"..and toast."

"Did you.. even use the recipe book??" Blue turned to the counter, staring at the burnt food for a good 5 seconds before turning back

"..i.. skimmed through it." 

"...I'm sure the recipe for bacon and eggs doesn't require half of the kitchen to be on fire." Blue scowled, gesturing towards the smokey mess and crossing his arms

"well--... It did include fire, so.."

"...the kind of fire that you use in cooking. Not the kind of fire that burns the house down. What the hell, Red."

Red shrugged

"Close enough, really."

"This is why you should've asked me to help you. You don't know jackshit."

"Pffshhh-- nahhh, I'm AWESOME."

"Not at cooking, apparently."

Burnt toast == Alan BeckerWhere stories live. Discover now