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Hey guys, I'm crying now because my family doesn't understand how much I adore and admire bands. I just want to say how sad it is that my family make fun of my bands. To me, they're more than bands, they helped me when I went to a mental ward and threw my depression. Black Veil Brides have helped me, they're lyrics have so much meaning behind them and I truly adore them, though no one understands my passion for them. Falling In Reverse! Lead singer Ronnie Radke for F.I.R with bandmates he met formally at Rehab with four years in total of Jail and Rehab, he formed the New band in 2005. Ronnie was kicked out of his old band that Is still going, Escape The Fate, and now lead by Craig Mabboth, that's Terrible! I love Ronnie because he got back up after his falling times. Blood On The Dance Floor, Dahvie Vanity, current singer, has been framed of rape by an attention seeking 14 year old girl. And Jayy Monroe, other singer, has had lots of hate from his gayness. I truly support him because he is amazing. All of those bands are truly inspiring, I just thought I'd say that to clear my head. Thanks for reading thus rant and I hope you can relate, I'm sure other bands have suffered too, but I just wanted to write without Google.

- thanks guys❤❤

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