Chapter 1

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A connection was felt from the very beginning and she always knew she didn’t belong. So it wasn’t too insane that she woke up and found herself on a wooden ship, which she thought was odd considering ships weren’t made like that anymore. That’s when she gathered herself after whatever deep slumber she was in, she looked around anxious to find out where she was and who brought her there. Though with her mind racing with questions, she didn’t realize that someone came up behind her. 

She gasped as she felt someone nearly pressed against her back. She jumped away scared of what was coming, “Who are you? Where am I? Why’d you take me?”, she said to the man she had found behind her. The man was tall and strong with sun tanned skin and dark hair. He was wearing boots, like you’d see in pirate movies, and a white flowing shirt with gray baggy pants tucked into the boots.

The man looked at me and with a rise of his brow, “I didn’t take ya from anywhere, you’re the one trespassing onto my ship. I should have you chained up for it.” he said with a serious face and a glint in his eye. Her eyes widened, what would he do to her and how’d she get back home. “I have no idea how I got here, I just woke up here! Please, I didn't do anything.”, she declared with a shake in her voice. She stared at him waiting for a response, she knew something was off, but her focus on the current threat, the man.

“Fine, you won’t be a prisoner. Now tell me, where are you from, maybe I can help you there?”. He suggested, with a certain look in his eyes that she couldn’t understand. “U-um, I’m not sure, where are we and could you tell me what year it is?.. Just to make sure how long I’ve been gone. From home, that is?”. Something flashed across his face before he began. “Well, we are off port in London. And uh it’s 1869. And I think you know it's spring, so my guess is you’re a little cold.” He said with certainty, his eyes shifted down her body, just for a second then flicked back up to her eyes. She immediately looked down at what she had on to find it was just a white tank top and matching shorts. He was right though, it was a bit chilly and bumps had risen on her skin.

“Come, I’ll get you some clothes to cover you and a bed to sleep in, it is still night and you look like you could use it.”  He then walked off and she followed, she didn’t trust him but she didn’t want to be alone and the thought of a bed made her weak. The man opened a door, and as soon as they walked in she was in awe. It was a treasure cavern, she looked around amazed as the man went to get the clothing. The room was clean and had a queen bed that looked warm and cozy. He turned around with clothes in hand, “Here, these will be big, but they’re soft to the touch.” It seemed like what he said had another meaning, but she didn’t notice. “ Thank you.. Um what’s your name?... sir.” 

His eyes squinted for a moment, he went to sit in a chair near the desk with papers all about it. “Tell me yours first then I shall be known.” He replied. His gaze landed on her and she gulped. “My name is Mae.” she said, not sure if that was a good idea, after all she didn’t know what was going on except that she’s in the past. “Well, Mae, I am Captain Cassius. A pleasure to meet you, love.” The man, Captain Cassius, then tilted his head with a smirk, he seemed to be thinking about his next question. “Ah, yes, where are you from so we may set our course.” She didn’t know how to even process the situation at all, she didn’t know what to do or how she even got there and she wanted to go home. “Um, I don't have a home or family.” though she knew it was a lie, she thought it’d be a bad idea to tell the man from the literal past. “Ah sorry, that’s unfortunate.” Captain Cassius didn’t seem like he was that sorry, but nonetheless she thanked him anyway “Then where would you want to go?” Mae blew air out and tilted her head up. “I’m not sure. I mean I have nowhere to go or what to even do. Where are you headed to anyhow? If you don’t mind me asking.” 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07 ⏰

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