✧ xero ✧

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In the ethereal twilight of whispered dreams,
Where shadows merge and moonbeams gleam,
I found a love, a whispered sigh,
Unfurling 'neath the starlit sky.

Through veils of time and space unknown,
A bond unseen, yet deeply sewn,
In realms where hearts transcend the night,
Our souls converged in soft twilight.

No touch exchanged, no words confessed,
Yet in the silence, love coalesced,
Each heartbeat echoes a silent plea,
Across the vast, uncharted sea.

Your essence lingers in every breeze,
In the rustle of leaves, the sigh of trees,
A distant melody, a whispered name,
In the tapestry of dreams, you claim your fame.

So far, yet so intimately near,
Your presence, a balm to every fear,
Your smile, a beacon in the haze,
Guiding me through life's winding maze.

And though we've never met, my love,
In realms beyond, we rise above,
For in the chambers of my heart, you dwell,
A symphony of love, no words can tell.


This is a work of fiction that involves real people, but the events and actions portrayed in this story are purely the creation of the author's imagination. No disrespect or harm is intended towards the real individuals mentioned.

All recognizable individuals are being used in a fictional context and their portrayal is not meant to reflect the actual beliefs, actions, or lives of these individuals. This work is created for entertainment purposes only.

The author does not claim any knowledge of the private lives of the individuals mentioned and acknowledges that the real people depicted retain their own identities and rights.

This work is not intended to infringe on the privacy or rights of the real individuals involved. All rights to the real individuals mentioned in this work belong to them.

Readers are encouraged to respect the privacy and rights of real people and to remember that this is a fictional story.

© xerobyone 2024


A book where Kim Minji
is the main character


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