DanCae: remembering Firefly

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Dream's Edge, Penacony...

Caelus climbed the stairs to the roof of the building, his heart heavy and his eyes red. He had just returned from the Planet of Festivities, where he had witnessed the death of Firefly, the girl who had helped him and Dan Heng survive in this strange and hostile world. She had sacrificed herself to save them from a monstrous creature that had attacked them in the Dreamscape, the virtual reality that the Family used to manipulate the people of Penacony.

He reached the door that led to Firefly's secret base, a small and cozy space that she had decorated with colorful lights, posters, and gadgets. He opened it and stepped inside, feeling a wave of nostalgia and grief wash over him. He saw Firefly's bed, her computer, her clothes, her books, her toys. Everything reminded him of her. He felt a lump in his throat and tears in his eyes.

He walked over to the window and looked out at the night sky. He saw Dream's Edge, the towering structure that rose above the city, glowing with neon lights and holograms. He remembered how Firefly had told him that she wanted to see what was at the top of the tower, where the Family lived. She had said that she wanted to find out the truth about Penacony, about Entropy Loss Syndrome, about herself. She had said that she wanted to live, not just survive.

He heard the door open behind him and turned around. He saw Dan Heng, his boyfriend and partner, enter the room. He had a backpack on his shoulder and a rifle in his hand. He looked tired and worried, but also relieved to see Caelus.

"Hey, you're here," Dan Heng said, dropping his backpack and rifle on the floor and walking over to Caelus. He wrapped his arms around him and hugged him tightly. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."

Caelus hugged him back and buried his face in his chest. He felt Dan Heng's warmth and heartbeat, and felt a little comforted. He sobbed and said, "I miss her, I miss her so much."

"I know, I know, me too," Dan Heng said, stroking Caelus's hair and kissing his forehead. "She was amazing, she was brave, she was our friend. She didn't deserve to die like that."

They stood there for a while, holding each other and mourning their loss. They felt a bond between them, stronger than ever, forged by their shared pain and love.

They broke the hug and looked into each other's eyes. They saw sadness, but also hope and determination. They knew that they had to keep going, to honor Firefly's memory, to find out the truth, to fight for their freedom.

They kissed, softly and tenderly, and then smiled at each other.

"Come on, let's get some rest," Dan Heng said, taking Caelus's hand and leading him to the bed. "We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow. We have to find a way to get to the top of Dream's Edge."

"Okay," Caelus said, following him. "But first, can we watch the stars for a bit? Firefly loved the stars."

"Of course," Dan Heng said, nodding. "Anything for you."

They lay down on the bed and cuddled, looking out the window at the starry sky. They felt a faint presence of Firefly, watching over them from somewhere beyond. They whispered words of love and gratitude to her, and to each other. They fell asleep in each other's arms, dreaming of a better world.

(Well, as you all know, Firefly is actually Sam, and yes, She's coming in 2.3)

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