The unsaid words

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Characters : Sarah and Mahi

Sarah's pov

At night

14 February, 2024
11:30 pm

Dear dairy,

Hey dairy , you remember when I told you about her , about Mahi. That same person whom I wrote beautiful love poems but never give her or bring it up. That same person who makes me feel happy and for the first time make me realise that I am not unlucky for the things I want but the time is not right. She is the one who I want to see never sad or any tears in her eyes even if it's for happiness. As you know that I am an orphan child who never get the love or even appreciation. But with her , I got the love and appreciation both. I still remember the first time I met her she is such a shy and calm person who is so bold from inside unlike me, who is strong , cold and bold from outside but inside fear of everything but being alone. I never been afraid of being being alone maybe.....maybe because I am alone since the moment I born. But I never cared about it because I am used to it and you remember when I told you about the first time I met her family, firstly it's awkward for some moments but after the her family treat me so well and for the first I asked the question," Is that what people say home or family ? And is that the care and love they say family give? " I never thought that I will ask because I never feel the need I think. But I never get the answer of this question maybe because she don't know or maybe for some reasons but it's alright. In her , I found care , friend, best n' only friend , family and love. Love not like sisters , not like friends but like the person you want to calm your soul and live in your heart, like breath, like all the happiness,like all the needs I crave for. After meeting her I never feel like I am alone or I need a family or someone although before meeting her I never feel or maybe never show the need of it, but maybe somewhere in my heart there's a need , a craving but in the fight of taking beath and life I forgot it. You know they say that you are never be late for learning and achieving something.But maybe I was late for learning how to love and for achieving my love. It was late January night the temperature is cold like so cold. But for me it's not a matter, my all focus on how to confess my love to her. How to talk about the matter LOVE which I also didn't know about, what it was like for being being loved before meeting her.I take a deep breath and pick up the phone before I make a call or do something it starts buzzing and it's her it's Mahi who called me this late . I didn't wait for another ring and picked up , as always our talk starts with a little flirting until she said " You remember the boy I talked about whom I met on Instagram and chatted for once , we're talking for days no actually months and we actually met and have a date. And you know my family also know about him. And he asked my family for my hand and everyone is agreed." After listening I am the who is crying for Both happiness and regret, sadness. Yes I was happy because my love found her love, the love she used to talk me about, the love that can provide her needs and can fulfill her wishes, the love with she can live happily but I was regretting to never be confessing my love to her , I was sad that I can never be the one who share each and every breath with her. I'll never be the one. And Today is already the one week since she married but I am still not able to move on from her, I don't know why it's so hard but the moment are so beautiful. I am still unlucky. I am the moon who shines for once and starts fading after . And she is the Sun who can helps to shine anyone. Maybe one day I'll forget her and move from her.


.......And she was the moon who fell in love with the Sun. A love she can never have.

The end
Welcome back to the FANTYSCTION PLANET...

Thanks for reading my work. So this the first gl or lesbian story that I have ever written. Idk how'll it turns out because it's just a random plots and some random words that I put here.

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