Escaping him

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hey guys, I'm back , again , writing another book. this one isn't romance , well I guess it is but evil romance/pressured romance. It is quite a clichéd plot and it is basically about a boy and a girl who fall I'm 'love' and when the girl decides she wants to settle down with him, he changes in very evil ways. if you think you may of read a book like this already, just read on , you may enjoy my version more or maybe you prefer someone else's version but I will hopefully make this book worth your reading , so just give it a try and give feedback on what you think , thanks x

Alex's POV

"ahh...I think I'm in love mum" I said in a very day-dreamy voice , "maybe you are darling but remember love is a strong word and unless your sure, I wouldn't use it if I was you..." my mum replied , she could of been at least at little more happy for me instead of thinking negatively...

I went upstairs , brushed my hair , tied it back into a neat ponytail. Then I smoothed some foundation all over my face and neck to make it look even , and just to finish it off, I added some mascara. I then got a text off Jack , (the man I believe I'm in love with) saying 'C u in 10 mins at the usual place, k xx' by the usual place , he meant the small passage way next to the 'stop 'n' shop' store. I just replied 'k x' then I went to go and meet him. When I arrived , Jack wasn't there, so I called him and there was no answer. I decided to wait there a few minutes to see if he turned up and eventually I saw him turn the corner. Usually , we stood in that Passage way to either kiss or talk and this time it was to talk. "we need to talk Alex" he said sternly. this made me a bit worried because he sounded awfully serious but to my luck it was to talk about settling down together.

"I want you to move in with me babe" he said joyfully , I smiled until my grin couldn't get any bigger , and threw my arms around him and squeezed him as tightly as I possibly could. "oh my god , of course I will Jack!" I said but almost shouting with excitement too! I was genuinely thrilled that Jack accepted the fact that I wanted to settle down and that we both loved each other.

Jack's POV

I asked Alex to move in with me and she said yes, she didn't have a clue how much I fucking hated her. she deserves everything that is coming to her, as soon as she moves in , that's it, she'll get what she 'asked' for , that little bitch!

and if your wondering why I hate her so much, it is because of what she did to me in 6th grade...she embarrassed me so much that day, fucking whore. We are now out of school but she still deserves to be re-paid for what she did to me... I asked her out In 6th grade and I had so much confidence that she was going to say yes to me that I got everyone to watch me ask her to be my girlfriend , and she said "no" that was it , no reason why, no apology , just "no" I literally pissed myself in front of everyone , out of upset and hurt inside my heart as well as embarrassment.

Alex's POV

"I'm so happy, I will go home and pack my stuff then I will walk round to your house okay?" I said to Jack with limitless joy in my heart,face,eyes,head and everything! "okay beautiful" he replied, he makes me feel so special, he always knows the right thing to say.

I ran home got my suitcase from underneath my bed , and just stuffed my clothes, shoes and underwear in as fast as I could, I just couldn't wait to go and live with Jack and settle and hopefully have an amazing family together.

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