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Laura Doneghy
Wednesday, 6th January, 1982

The silence of the courtroom was getting under Laura's skin. The court proceedings had lasted for over three months now, with all the deliberations and debating back and forth.

She felt like a specimen being prodded at and examined repeatedly.

The days had been going by in a daze, she felt barely awake for most of the proceedings. She had been up in the stand a few times, but could not even remember what had transpired.

She still felt shocked that someone she trusted and called friend could do something like this to her; even in her wildest imaginations she could not have thought of this. She just felt dirty, angry, sad and hateful. The idea of suicide loomed in her mind.

The prosecution and defence tables were positioned side-by-side a few inches apart, Laura sat at the prosecution table facing the judge's bench with the jury beside it a few inches away. The gallery of spectators sat behind the tables, her family sat somewhere in the gallery. The courtroom always seemed to be filled to its capacity with spectators; maybe the case interested them, or they just wanted to have a good look at Laura, to observe the specimen for themselves, up close and personal.

Laura turned briefly to look over at the defence side and her eyes met with Herbert White's. His stare was blank and cold, she felt hate, rage and anger wash over her. She pulled her gaze, and after a while she looked back at the defence side- he still had his blank gaze fixed on her.

What is he thinking? She thought.

"Mr. Galvin", the Judge called from up on the bench.

"Your Honour", the Lawyer beside her responded.

"You may proceed with your closing statement now", the Judge stated.

"Thank you, your Honour", he replied, he gave a kind of apologetic look to Laura before he stood up and walked towards the jury. "Good afternoon your Honour, and members of the jury", he greeted gesturing to each of them.

"Ms Laura Doneghy is a seventeen year old student of Milford High, in twelfth grade." He stated staring square at Laura, then he continued, facing the jury, " Members of the jury you probably have children at Milford High, and they are probably the same age as Laura, or older, maybe younger", He stops and turns to face the defence table.

" A heinous crime has been committed against Laura that could have destroyed her future, and it has clearly devastated and traumatized her", then he turns to the Judge and then back to the jury.
"This crime was perpetrated by her close friend and classmate Mr. Herbert White. They used to hangout together, eat together, do their assignments together.

But the crime has been committed, we can't go back in time to stop him or warn Laura about the wolf in sheep's clothing. What matters is what we do now, the decisions we make in this courtroom. We could get justice and closure for Laura, we could get justice for the Doneghys and we could ensure Mr. White never has the chance to inflict such pain and suffering on anyone ever again. You members of the jury are the last hope for Laura and her family.

The defence has presented a very convincing and elaborate story about how Mr. White is mentally ill and unfit to stand trial, they have presented us with extensive proof to back this story. Great work on their part." He gave a quick glance at the defence table.

"But", He continued, "Let's take a step back and examine the facts before us: Fact one; Mr. White has pled guilty to all charges and extensive, and comprehensive evidence brought forth supports this plea.

Fact two; Mr. White had no prior history of mental illness, he had never been on any kind of antipsychotics, etc.

Well, members of the jury what these facts show us is a guilty man trying to escape the consequences of his crime.

Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, do not permit this gross injustice, do not let Mr. White go free, do not fail Ms. Laura Doneghy, and do not fail her family. Thank you.

Thank you, your Honour", Mr. Galvin concluded and walked back to his seat.

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