Harrys Pov.

June 24th, 2014.

I don't like Taylor Swift. But I think I'm in denial. If you told 2013 me that me and her broke up. I would've laughed in your face.

I feel like I'll die without her, yet die with her.

My mate, Niall. Suggested that I write my feelings in a journal, so I bought one. But all I wrote is, 'I am not in love with Taylor Swift.' And I'm being so serious. 285 pages that all say 'I am not in love with Taylor Swift.'

I keep replaying the moment he took my journal and saw the.. rant I wrote, plus the 'I miss my ex.' In the back of the journal. But thats not important

She'll say yes to getting coffee, ill ask her to be my girlfriend again and she'll say yes. I know that because I do.


Harrys Pov.

June 25th, 2014.

She said no. How could she say no?!

'Taylor, baby wait.' I sounded so fucking needy. "Oh. I'm Harry styles and everyone and everything loves me!" I'm gonna die without her. Yet I felt like I was dying with her.

I love her so much. But she's dating Calvin.

(authors note!!)
tmmrw is Friday, so triple update! (plus taylor is dating calvin in this time line) ANDDDD all the photo things at the top will be olivia♡♡

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