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My senses come rushing back to me; I push Thomas away but immediately miss how he tastes.

In between gasping for breath, I say. "No, I have to leave now!" I reach down and pick up my knife.

"Where will you go, Cal?" Thoma's hand comes up to brush my hair off my face. I want to nestle into the feeling, but I can't. If I linger, I will surely lose my head.

"I need to head North," I say.

He hesitates. "North, those people are savages."

A grin spreads across my face. "Finally, a place where I belong."

A place where a mismatched-eyed girl who conversion with the dead can find peace and freedom.

Sudden shouts startle us both. More guards are on their way, and I need to be gone before they get here. I quickly take hold of the reins and mount my horse. I look down at Thomas, wanting to remember this moment, his dark eyes and plump lips.

"Go. I'll make sure no one sees you leaving through this gate," Thomas assures me.

"Thank you, Thomas. Perhaps we'll meet again in another life." I spur my horse forward and ride off without looking back.

I ride until my ass is sore and my horse is exhausted. I am only stopping long enough to regain feeling in my legs and butt and for my horse to rest. My stomach rumbles, and I grab a sandwich from my bag and an apple for my four-legged friend. We both gobble down our food in just a few bites.

With my belly full, my eyes feel heavy. I longed to curl up in sleep I was afraid to linger too long. What if Thomas was unsuccessful in hiding my escape? What would happen to him if they caught him helping the King's killer escape?

I push those thoughts away; It's out of my control. Guilt is a useless emotion. But that doesn't stop me from pulling out my bones.

"Will Thomas be ok?" I say into the lonely night as I throw the bones.

I see Thomas being questioned by his commander. He is a skillful liar. His eyes never waver, and his voice stays steady.

I am impressed.

The commander leaves, and he goes back to his post. I see him looking wistfully off to the north, and I know his thoughts are of me just as my thoughts or of him.

"As long as you are in a talkative mood, Do I make it to the North?" I throw the bones again.

I see myself crossing into the North, bone tired and weary from my travels. I am dirty but seem uninjured.

Relief has me flopping back and relaxing into the grass. I can breathe easily, knowing I will make it.

My freedom is finally mine.

No more servitude.

No more lies.

Hopefully no more killing. My soul wasn't made for such cruel endeavors.

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