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Rumors started to surface about Sonic and I's date, even though I specifically told him not to until I was comfortable and not to mention exams were also clouding my judgment so I was pissed.

Shadow's P.O.V.
I was still stunned by the image that was in front of me. . Someone knew about our date and told everyone. "So, you two were actually on a date that day?" Rouge asked, I looked at her than nodded before handing her the phone back. . . It got quiet at first before she started talking again. "You could've told me, I would'nt have thought anything bad about you. But. . This is going to hurt someone else" Rouge implied, I raised an eyebrow and before I knew it yelling came from down the hallway; We looked at each other and immediately ran out of the empty classroom and by the time we made it to the commotion, I knew it was Sally who was yelling. "So you two were just seeing each other on the downlow and you were just leading me on?! What the fuck Sonic?" Sally yelled, Sonic tried his best to calm her down and she started to hit him. . Rouge immediately got in the middle of it and pushed Sally away; "Calm down! There is no reason to inflict pain on him Sal trust me and relax!" Sally looked at Rouge with hatred and disgust as I was walking up to the argument; "Sal I promise you, yes I did go on the date but the kiss was just a misunderstanding!". . . I went deaf for a minute and Sonic turned and our eyes connected.

"It was. . . . a misunderstanding? Is that what that kiss was to you?" The crowd got quiet as I walked towards him, Sonic's face turned white the minute he saw me, I felt like the only happiness I've had with another person shatter and scattered below my feet. . I shut down; "S-Shads I can explain-!" before he could continue talking, my emotions got the better of me and punched him in the face, everyone gasped as Sonic hit the floor. . Even Rouge and Sally were shocked, because I never inflicted pain on anyone unless they deserved it, and Sonic crushed the only happiness I had left in me. Not long after, one of the teachers rushed out; "Sally Acorn, Sonic and Shadow the Hedgehog come to the principals office immediately!!! And if I see any of what just happened posted on the internet I will make sure the principal cancels your senior prom!" They yelled, Sonic looked up at me, but I had no emotion left on my face as I walked to the office. While in the principals office, I sat far away from Sonic and Sally. . . Neither of us said anything to each other until the principal came in to talk to us one on one, She already knows about my past but can't let me pass by with what happened so I got a 3 day suspension. . While Sonic and Sally only got 2 days. After the meeting I walked out and saw Sonic leaning against the wall like he was waiting for me, I walked passed him but before I could go any further he grabbed my arm. "Shads please just let me explain everything . . I-" I pulled my arm away violently and stood there for a second; ". . . You already explained enough, what we had was a misunderstanding right? Your words, not mine. . Stay away from me Faker. . And find someone else who will help you with finals" I walked out of school.

Sonic's P.O.V.
I fucked up so badly, first the kiss Shadow and I shared came out and than I blurted out that it was a misunderstanding when it wasn't. . . Goddammit!! I punched the wall out of anger and as I did, Sally walked out of the principals office. . We looked at each other with guilt but Sally's guilt was also mixed with anger, she didn't say anything to me but quickly left to go home. I sighed and grabbed my stuff and before I could walk out the door someone stopped me, it was Amy. "Hey Sonic, I know it's a really. . Really dumb question but im gonna ask it anyway; are you okay?" I looked at Amy and as I did I teared up a lot, sliding down to the floor shaking my head. . Amy is a good friend to me, she has always been there through everything. "I need to get out of here. . ." I said silently, Amy nodded as we got up and left out of school to go to her place. After a while we got to her place and she sat me down next to her; "Tell me everything" she puts her hand on my shoulder and I did what she asked, I told her everything. . From me having feelings for Shadow, to the day he and I went on our first date together. . It was the first time Shadow had fun and didn't stress over grades to get into MSU like I was. "I see, well did anyone know that you were you know. . gay?" She asked, I shook my head and told her that not even my parents knew that I liked guys. "They can't know. . I mean after Sonia came out they didn't talk to her for 2 months. Manic and I have been with her through everything she went through and I promised myself I wouldn't say anything to them when I start finding myself. . . . And I did with Shadow, Ames. . I love Shadow. ." I teared up more as Amy hugged me, I hugged her back while trying to calm myself down.

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