Bled me dry (Left me for dead)

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One year before everything happens.

Pezzy was training with his raptors when he heard Puffer call his name. He looked over and saw the other walking toward him, "Yo, what's up?" He asked with a smile.
"I need your help with..something." Puffer answered with a small smile. Pezzy just raised an eyebrow. He let the raptors release and as they ran back into their enclosure he turned fully toward Puffer, "And..? What is this something?"

"An asset." Puffer left it at that. Pezzy blinked then let out a sigh, "Okay. Okay, I'll help you." He crossed his arms, "But only because we're best friends." He noticed that Puffer had a melancholy look on his face. He was about to question him but kept it to himself.
Pezzy and Puffer exited the enclosure. He followed him on his motorcycle to the assets enclosure. Once they got there he got off and analyzed the walls which were a bit small so it should be a pretty small asset.

Pezzy noticed the door to the inside of the enclosure was slowly opening, "What.." He was passing it when all of a sudden he felt a push and he stumbled into the enclosure and fell to the ground. He was a bit dazed as he got up and looked to see who pushed him. "The fuck!?" He yelled as he saw Puffer there at the door as it closed.

The door closed and he ran toward the control panel on the wall, scanning his hand. Nothing happened. He continued to try until he heard a voice, Vic's, "You can stop that. It won't do anything." He walked away from the control panel and toward where the observation deck is. Vic, Simon, and Puffer were looking down at him.
He heard something behind him and quickly turned, seeing a mutated hybrid of what looked to be a raptor and pterodactyl. He kept his eyes on the dinosaur, "The fuck you want me to do?!"
"We want to know if you can train this asset." Puffer answered.
"What? Really?" His voice was incredulous.
Simon nodded, "We see how you train the raptors. We just want to see if it works on our raptor hybrid assets."

"Wh.." Pezzy didn't get to finish before the asset ran at him. He dodged to the side but the dinosaur clawed at his side. He let out a yell as he fell to the ground, holding his side. He heard swearing and the radio going off. The asset took advantage of this and started clawing at him and trying to bite his neck. He had thankfully put his hands around the assets muzzle so it couldn't bite his throat out. "Puffer, help!" He screamed. Puffer didn't say anything. He stood still, watching everything in shock.

"Puffer! Puffer, please!" Pezzy cried out. He was on the verge of passing out. Just as his hands were about to fall away from the asset's muzzle, security entered and shot the dinosaur. He felt the asset fall to his side. He gasped as he tried to keep himself awake.

Paramedics rushed in and put him on the gurney, he let out a yell of pain as they did. They wheeled him out and past Puffer who was now out of the room, looking at him. Pezzy looked at the man with betrayal and hurt which caused the other to look away.

When Pezzy was in the ER Puffer didn't visit. Not once. Not even a call. To say Pezzy felt betrayal was an understatement. Barry and Vic were the only ones who visited him. Vic only visited to ask about training raptors but it was something at least. He was in the ER for a week but he walked away with scars across his chest, abdomen, and arms.
When he was released he was surprised who was there to drive him to his cabin. It was Puffer. He passed by the man and just got into the vehicle. The two didn't speak the whole car ride.

When they got to the cabin Puffer spoke up, "Look, I'm...sorry." Pezzy just looked at the other then toward the car door. "There is a bright side to this though. We now know that we need to change the next assets genome."

Pezzy couldn't believe his ears. He turned and glared daggers at Puffer, "Really!? That's all you fucking care about? I almost died and you just care about the next asset?!" He yelled in disbelief.
Puffer's lips thinned into a line, "I... Pez, you don't get it. We need a new asset. I didn't want what happened to happen. It was an oversight on our part but we now know that we need a genome with a better temperament." Pezzy felt speechless. He didn't say anything for a few moments as he mulled over the words his so-called best friend just said.
He shook his head, "I was just a stepping stone for you guys for a new asset. Wow. I thought you respected me.." His eyes filled with tears, "I thought we were best friends." He opened the car door and exited the vehicle but before he closed the door Puffer heard one last thing, "Fuck you." And Pezzy slammed the car door. He made his way to the cabin when he heard Puffer call out to him. He didn't stop. And as he entered his front door he heard the car drive off.

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