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Thank you so much for giving this book a chance and I hope you enjoy your time while reading this.

I believe that there are limited resources and thus even if one tries to be as new and different/rare as possible, there might be some similarities which one can find in two distinct works of two distinct people. There are so many stories out there in the world which you might have read or heard, but I do not intend to copy any work from someone else.

Stories and tales are like fashion, it repeats itself after decades. Although they are never 100% same but highly influenced.

There is no resemblance of the story or the characters with any real person. This is completely a work of fiction and solely for the purpose of entertainment.

All the rights related to this work rests solely with the writer and no reproduction or copying or plagiarism of this work shall be entertained.

All photos and videos used belong to their rightful owners.

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