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A complete devastation of soil. Marble-white sands forming a chaotic pattern around the sea. Those unfortunates who dared to cross the desert between two eternal cities: Hamza and Aziz, were doomed to have their burnt ashes to be sprayed on the sands... What a terrible outcome. Mirages and thirst are the most loyal companions, the relations with these two things could sometimes last longer than even with the most faithful friends of yours. Especially if those are the ones to bite the dust first...

It's been a long time ago. I don't even know how long now. A week? A month? Maybe a year? I curse this desert for taking them. I curse the war to bloom in my homeland, Aziz... I just can't bear the sorrow deep in my heart. Even if I make my way to the Hamza, who knows if it's already dead just like Aziz?

The sea... If I remember it correctly, we don't even have a name for it. Continuously trying to withstand the obstacles of the desert, only a few were actually thinking of naming the sea. Their voices, however, are forever forgotten in history, meaning that the sea will never be named. Never. The deadly sea that never lends a hand for strivers, bringing no drinkable water, but only the pale sand. The whole sea is sure cursed even more than the desert it has located around. So I came up with the name that would probably never be heard by anyone except me - The Deadly Sea. What an outcome...

It's getting darker. The sun goes down. The nights here are as hot as the days, meaning that I have no other choice but simply proceeding further into the sands. But unluckily I feel... dehydrated. My skin is scarred, my legs lose the powers after that restless wandering of mine. The moon seems completely crimson, or is it the blood in my eyes? I guess this is the end. My eyes close. Little by little. I guess I will also... bite the dust.




Nothing happens.



My limbs aren't numb. My head hurts and my throat strives for no water. I still smell the hot air, and the sea in front of me is still the same. I can tell it for sure. But wait... that means that I am not dead yet? How?

I found myself under a massive rock. The sunlight, which is reflected from the moon couldn't penetrate the stone, leaving a long long shadow in which I now sit. It wasn't dark by the way. This desert was whiter than before... I guess. All the light was as strong as by the daylight, there was no dark space. Yet the stars were shining. Something should have changed. The crimson moon now substituted me the sun. This is the brightest night of all times, I swear.

The rock under which I sat was so massive that it formed a... wall? Whoever did this giant structure must have done a lot of work in order to form such shape from marble bricks.

And... the girl is sleeping next to me. Her blond hair was brighter than the rays of the sun, it seemed as if it was glowing softly. The clothes were fully white, just like the sand and stones. Her skin was tanned. So graceful creature I have never seen in my entire life.

She woke up, smiling at me, showing her deep blue eyes that looked exactly like the Deadly Sea's waves when I looked closer.

- You have finally woke up! - she said with joy.

- Woke up? Am I dead or are you just an illusion to fool me?

- Uhm... I guess neither. Here, you should have been thirsty for a while.

Then she smiled again and gave me a stone mug, full of water. I drank it instinctively. This was the cleanest water I have ever tasted. No filters in Aziz were able to make the water so delicious and refreshing than the water in the mug I have drunk from. Then, and only then, when I ended the drinking process, I dared to ask her about the origins of this water.

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