◐ Fishing ◐ Sunny x Reader

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Mari's death - A day both of you couldn't forget. You were healing gradually, but you knew Sunny had it worse. Before the tragedy, you both were practically attached at the hip. Laughing and rolling on the creased plaid picnic mat, gorging on Mari's cookies, and everything you could think of. A few years passed, and you could feel you were turning aloof. You thought about him a lot, and decided to visit him almost every day for the past two months. You were feeling optimistic, successfully getting Sunny out and about.

You breathed out a airy breath, before knocking on the door.

"Yoo hoo!~ Guess who! "

You could make out his nearing footsteps, and with a hearty sigh, the door was opened, Sunny standing stock by the doorframe.

"Well... Hi again, Y/N..."

You grinned, grabbing his hand and dragging him outside.

"I'm so happy you're talking to me again! It's like a dream! " You said, slowly circling Sunny.

You couldn't help but notice the corners of his mouth upturn.

"Yeah. Me too..."

Trodding alongside Sunny, you hummed and peered at him as he walked with hands in pockets, occasionally looking up. You were really busy today, but you couldn't skip on a hangout with Sunny. It was already late afternoon, and the sinking sun beat down on your skin.

"So, Sunny... You should hangout with us again! Me, Aubrey, Hero, Kel, Basil... You know, old days!" You told him. You then felt a pang of sorrow when you left out Mari, but simply swallowed and looked at him. You could somehow tell Sunny knew what you felt, but he looked forward with a vacant stare.

"Mm... Sure. "

You acknowledged him with a small tee-hee. Both of you walked in silence for the next few minutes, unsure of what to say or where to go. Clearing your throat gingerly, you spoke.

"Hey, um, Sunny... Do you remember when we used to go fishing at this time with the others? It was... really nice. "

He looked at you, your face reflecting in his eyes.

"Yeah... I can say I missed that too. " He replied.

There was a bit of a pause, and you picked your way over the cracks in the sidewalk.

"Y/N... How about... Do you want to go fishing with me? " Sunny mumbled, looking back down.

Your face lit up, and you eyed him with disbelief.

"Woah, really? I wasn't expecting you'd ask! "

With a smile, you grabbed his hand and dragged him down the blocks. He let out a grunt as you did, and the hazy air plastered your skin.

Trotting over the rickety dock, you beckoned Sunny to wait as you popped into the same old fishing hut. You emerged with two wooden fishing rods and a pail of bait from the shopkeeper. You both walked together to the edge of the dock and sat down; right where you always did.

Setting down the pail and securing the bait, you haul your line into the water and waited. You took your shoes off, your feet kicking soft ripples into the water.

"Oh, Sunny... I missed this... It feels just like before! " You said, turning to face him.

Sunny brushed off his shirt, before yanking his rod.

"I agree. We should... um... do this more often. "

I smile warmly at his suggestion, before seeing the bobber jutting around in the water.

"Oh, yay! I think I caught one! "

You tugged lightly at your rod, but a heavy force repelled it. Pulling harder and harder, it still wouldn't budge. Sunny stopped for a bit and looked up at you in amusement. You stood up, fuming with frustration.

"Wh.. What kind of fish even is this? It's so heav-"

You were broken off as you toppled onto your bottom, an enourmous fish glistening mid-air spraying a shower of droplets. You yelled in defense as the huge, slimy fish slammed against your face, wriggling wildly. You flung it beside you, gasping. As you glanced at Sunny, his eyes were closed and he was letting out an enthusiastic laugh. Eventually, you joined in, and I wonder who could say it didn't look like you two on that same summer afternoon. You both sat up after what seemed like ages of laughter, your stomachs both sore.
Picking up the slippery fish, you got on your feet and swung it over Sunny's face.

"If you don't run by the count of three... I'll slap you with this fish! "

You chortled as Sunny yelled in protest, forcefully scrambling away from you. Chasing after him, you hopped over branches and rocks, waving the fish up high. As his legs wore out, you thwacked his shins repeatedly with the fish as he let out a panicked cry.

"S-Stop, Y/N! Stoooop! " He bellowed in between giggles.

The both of you finally eased off, panting on the warmed, brisling grass. You both were still smiley and warm.
Picking up your rod, you joined him, gazing at the still waters. You felt his leg against yours, and you looked somewhere else with awkwardness. You didn't turn your head, but you could sense his subtle countenance fixed on your face. You gave his cheek a little prod.

"Stop staring at me! " You laughed.

Sunny gave a titter whilst turning back to his rod.

That afternoon felt like the most pleasant one yet; a long conversation and a wave of nostalgia. As the sun began to hover on the water's edge, its red rays spanned into the sky. It was evening now. The only fish you managed to catch that day was that huge, broad fish within the first few minutes that was all damp now. Sunny caught twelve average sized fishes. You were somewhat bugged of his accuracy, but you sugarcoated on how much larger your fish was.

Taking a break by the riverbank, you sat still as Sunny shuffled towards you.
Without say, he gently rested his head on your shoulder. Freezing, you stiffened up. Sunny's eyelids fluttered and shut.

"Y/N... Th... Thank you... "

Eyes half-closed and pink, you wrapped a skittish arm around his shoulder. His body was cold and pale, despite the air's humidity. Sunny spoke again, but this time his voice quaked under his breath.

"I truly mean it.. I.. Thank you... "

Your eyes widened as you felt him lunge into your arms, tears soaking your sleeve. His muffled cries were drowned by your soothing voice as you cradled his head.

"Sunny... Please don't cry... "

His body was stuck to yours, his eyebrows furrowed.

"I just.. I just missed you so... So much... I am so grateful you still visit me... I... I thought you've forgotten about m... me.. "

You pressed the trembling boy's head into your chest.

"I will never... Never ever forget you, Sunny." You whispered.

You both lay down on the grass, legs and arms intertwined. He placed a hand on your cheek, and you tried to hide the blush on your face.

"Y/N... You're.. You're staying with me. Always. " Sunny mumbled, a vulnerable look on his face.

You held his cheek too, a soft expression tinging your gaze.

"You can count on me.. " You answered.

He lifted his head towards yours, so that your noses were brushing against eachother's. A red shade was tinted onto both of your faces as you both gradually shut your eyes.

The sun's final shafts diminished, engulfed into the water. Time slipped by, and Sunny breathed steadily into your hair whilst your fingers ran through his.

"Good night, my sunshine. "

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09 ⏰

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