⚡️ Conflicted And Angry ⚡️

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Anger. Sometimes it was more easier to hold onto than happiness, there was just something about anger that made it more comfortable and for the fastest man alive being angry was what kept him sane and able to make the right decisions

And today, he was truly angry, it shouldn't have bothered him that the deal with Snart was leaked, it was him that agreed to it but still it didn't feel right; he didn't know Cisco Ramon but he was still a person, someone who didn't deserve to die

But of course Snart didn't see it like that, he was a criminal..he didn't care who lived or died as long as he got what he wanted; back then during his early days, Barry felt that Snart could be more than the villian he claimed to be, but overtime he came to the realization that Captain Cold would never change, and thus instead of trying to save Leonard Snart from himself, he put him in jail until he was released and then killed Cisco Ramon

Barry walks down the street with his hands in his pockets and passes by some of the people walking the sidewalks of Central City; the glances from them told him that were angry that Snart was getting a deal, that he was wrong about giving in to Laurel Lance and maybe they were right; he finally makes it to where he was going as he opens the entrance to jitters and walks inside and he stands in the back of the line as he waits to order

He could use his speed to get his drink and of course leave the money for it but he liked to take things slow, he wasn't the type of person to use his speed to solve every little thing in his life; it was finally Barry's turn as he orders a coffee with two sugars, he could've ordered his own drink, "The Flash" but honestly it tasted like that

He goes over to the back window and sits down in his seat as he takes a sip of his coffee, he looks up at the tv that hung off the wall that was showing the news anchor talking about him and the trial as sparks of black lightning go off his hands but he takes a deep breath and calms himself down

He had to keep himself calm, it was the only way to ensure he didn't something..terrible; after the anchor is done speaking about the trial he starts to talk about a fire that was currently happening but before he could even finish, Barry had already ran out of jitters but not before leaving a tip for the waitress who gave him his coffee as you once again could see the trail of black lighting that had followed the flash


The building was up in flames as sirens were heard coming towards it as two fire trucks along with a few ambulances arrived as across the street on one of the rooftops we see Barry Allen standing wearing his suit with his cowl not covering his face as he watched the fire grow larger by the second

The building was up in flames as sirens were heard coming towards it as two fire trucks along with a few ambulances arrived as across the street on one of the rooftops we see Barry Allen standing wearing his suit with his cowl not covering his fac...

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[Yo let me know what you think of this suit]

Barry's cowl comes over his face as black lightning sparks from his body as he takes off running down the building and in seconds he managed to save everyone inside and out the fire out before the firefighters could even get ready to try and put it out as the flash stands back on the rooftop where he originally stood as his suit dematerializes off his body which was a tech Barry had acquired from Bruce Wayne or more accurately stolen

Barry puts his hands back in his pockets as he turns around and walks away from the scene of the now out fire


Barry walks into his apartment as he takes off his jacket and hangs it back on the coat hanger, he was now calm and less angry than he'd been when he left; he didn't mind being the hero of Central City, in fact he enjoyed it

He walks over and plops down onto the couch as he turns the tv on and sees the same news report, however this time he wasn't as angry as let's out a sigh and then turns and spots Diana walking into the living room as she immediately smiles at him

Diana: Hey, you're back.

"Yeah. Sorry for running out like that."

Diana goes over and joins him on the couch as she lays her head on his chest and she grabs his arm and wraps it around her, she wanted him to know that she wasn't angry with him at all especially seeing what was on the news

Diana: It's okay, Barry. I would've ran out too. I'm sorry for what's going on.

Barry appreciated his girlfriend though honestly wished she'd get mad at him sometimes, but alas that was hard as he kisses the top of her head and asks her

"Am I making the wrong decision giving Snart a deal?"

Diana sits up taken aback by his question as he usually seemed sure about his decisions

Diana: Well I uh don't know, Barry. I think the only that matters is whether you believe it was right decision or not.

Barry lets his head fall backwards as Diana cuddles back up with him as he takes a moment to contemplate her words


Laurel stood in the holding cell as she waited for Snart to arrive as the two of them had to discuss more about the trail as one of the guards arrive and tell her it would be a few more minutes

But Laurel's patient was running thin as she exits the holding cell and goes down the hallway and started to heads towards the main hall but suddenly the alarms started blaring as she raced down and sees multiple guards running

Laurel: What's going on?

The guards didn't answer her as she followed after them

Laurel: Hey! What's going on?

One of the guards turned around and spoke to her

Guard: There's a prison break!

Laurel went to speak with confusion settling in but before she could the doors flew off their hinges and took the guards down as Laurel screamed out while she covered her mouth

Laurel: Oh my god!!

Laurel looked up and her eyes widen seeing the best friend of her client, Leonard Snart standing there, the one and only Mick Rory aka Heatwave

Mick: Honey, I'm home.

Mick held up his heat gun as he shot out fire towards Laurel

Mick held up his heat gun as he shot out fire towards Laurel

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Portrayed By: Dominic Purcell

Mick Rory wanted his best friend back, and especially with the way the trial has been going, he knew that Snart needed help and he was just lucky that he had a friend like Mick

To Be Continued....

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