Psamathe Cabin: Felicity Asturias

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"The sand is more abundant in life than you think, those are the words spoken by my mother. Psamathe.

Name: Felicity Asturias

Age: 16-19

Birthday: 07/16

Height: 5'7

Zodiac sign: Cancer

Sexuality: Bisexual (Non-Binary lean)

Pronouns: She/Her

Nationality/Species: Greek, Demi-God

Languages spoken: English, Spanish, Latin

Distinguishing Features: Honey Blonde and Cinnamon brown hair, Cognac Brown Eyes, tan skin, spider bite lip piercing.

Lover: Any Non-Binary Oc

Greek God Parent: Psamathe (Goddess of Sand)

Disorders: ADHD, inattentive and distractible type. (behavior can be hyperactive and get distracted easily), does struggle to read word patterns.

Likes: Collecting random items to carry around, playing with her friend's hair, candy, and oversized clothing, anything to do with beaches.

Dislikes: People who tell her she's childish, Being seen as clingy and immature, when her friends are sad, seeing her friends getting hurt,being touched by random people (which makes her nervous and jittery)

Face Claim:

Face Claim:

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What her Powers look like:

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What her Powers look like:

(I know it's Earthbending. It's all I could find-)

(She can also create semi living constructs and weapons, out of sand or earthy materials like crushed rocks and dust. Children of Psamathe can also breathe under ocean water, and feel vibrations in sand.)


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Clothing and Accessories:

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Clothing and Accessories:

Clothing and Accessories:

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