06.2 - up against the shadows

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Infinity Island

At 23:20 , After Checking their equipments as in , Arrows , Trick Knives , Coms , The Bow and Mini crossbow , The Young Bird and Arrow were now ready to move .

Davina Absolutely loved Roy's new Suit as Red Arrow , but of course her face was as Blank as it could get since she was Supposedly still mad at him .

The Duo Started moving from the boat -Stationed for escape- , passing through the trees that where hiding hundreds of explosives trick Knives planted by the blue Bird & the Red Archer .
Davina's Idea , Claiming she wanted to leave an exclusive gift for her Family .

Before reaching the Stone walls , they met a single Scout who will sleep peacefully (note the sarcasm) for a couple of hours because of the Archer's electric Arrow .

They reached the wall . Stone walls of a Castle like Base .

Roy shot a grappling Arrow and Vina followed Suit with the crossbow .

The Redhead and Blondie Climbed the Stone walls Quietly .

Davina was feeling Weird , She Knew this place was Supposed to be where she'd grow up and Call home .
She didn't despise it and felt a connection instead , the girl instantly pushed the feeling away .

' No , this isn't my home . ' The girl thought to herself but she couldn't feel the truth in her words and that Scared her .

The Red boy & Blue girl took cover behind a column , Hiding away from Security camera .
Roy shot an Arrow that bought them enough time to pass the Area , without causing any alarms and Davina noted to ask what it was , she wanted a matching trick knife .

Roy ran Sneakily forward and Vina followed .

Coming to a halt to aim for the two Assassins ahead .
Roy shot his Arrow , electrocuting one assassin and Alarming the other .
Vina Shot a Bolt with crossbow and the alarmed Assassin fell before he could even react , Electrocuted by the Bolt .

The Duo made their way to Room where the Scientist was locked . Davina throw a T-knife , Removing the doorlock .

Roy took the lead kicked opend the door , Entered and knocked one guy out with his bow , then turned to see the other one falling the same fate by his sister .

The Harmony in their movements was impressive , the two had fought for so long side by side , they didn't need to use words during missions much at this point .

Both turned to face a blonde woman with short hair and blue eyes behind Glasses , standing infront of an advanced system , Obviously engaged in programming & Coding before she got interrupted .

Davina's eyes flickerd to a device that laid on ground , then back to the woman .

" Dr. Roquette ? "

Roy said as he walked to a wall , intending to make a escape path .

" tell me you two are the advanced ones . " the woman stated with an attitude , Davina rolled her eyes as she stood beside her brother .

' people just can't shut up and be grateful these days .' Blue Bird thought , Completely irritated by the attitude .

She Admired the Genius of course , She had heard a lot from Felicity Smoke who knew the fellow Genius but she had never met the woman till that moment . and now she wished she could keep it that way .

Roy was completely ignorant to the older woman as he Knocked an Arrow and Answered . " The only ones . "

The woman clearly wasn't happy with that answer .
" Couldn't bring backup other than a kid ? What ? Were your budgets cut ? "

Little Bird Over The Moon - Young justice/PjoHoo Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang