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Anne's POV:

It was a cold cold night Anne had trouble sleeping in the Fwagon pondering her relationship with Sasha

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It was a cold cold night Anne had trouble sleeping in the Fwagon pondering her relationship with Sasha... Did she really want to be friends with Sasha after what happened at Toad tower- the thought of it sent shivers down her spine... 

And then she thought of Marcy... Marcy Wu... She started to blush and she picked up the photo she had of her friends...

"I hope they're okay... I really miss Marcy and whats gonna happen with me and Sash..." 

Anne began to cry to herself and the Fwagon has stopped for the night so she took a walk...

"am I going crazy?? Talking to myself about how I'm so angry and worried with sash and I and my cr- I'm so worried about Marcy I haven't seen her all this time" 

Anne begins to cry but she saw the sun rising 

"I gotta get back to the Fwagon fast the Plantars are gonna wake up soon..."

 As she ran back she tried to stay hopeful but that was really hard for her.

Sprig's POV:

As the Plantars woke up Sprig noticed Anne was gone worried he ran off to find Anne

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As the Plantars woke up Sprig noticed Anne was gone worried he ran off to find Anne... when he saw Anne her eyes looked kind of red as if she was crying

 "are you okay Anne?" Sprig looked concerned 

"yeah I-I'm fine" Anne said trying to get him off her back Sprig didn't believe her...

 "well let's go we might be in Newtopia soon!" Sprig said with hope gleaming in his eyes trying to cheer Anne up and then Anne smiled and kept hope. 

Hop pop questioned Sprig on where he was and for Anne's sake he lied 

"I went to- uhh uhhmmmmm... !I saw a rare bug and HAD to catch it" 

Hop pop was sus of Sprig but rubbed it off being very tired 

"Anne are you okay?" Sprig had a concerned look in his eye. 

"I- I'm just worried about Marcy-" she begins to cry Sprig hugs her as Anne Continues 

"She was the most clumsy person ALIVE but she was also really smart and SUPER oblivious and its moments like these that I-"

 she begins to cry even more "that I worry for her I don't know if she's okay or not..."

Anne's POV:

Worried sick Anne tried to keep hope until she heard his voice-

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Worried sick Anne tried to keep hope until she heard his voice-

"Hey kids check this out!" Anne heard Hop pop yell so she and Sprig went to check it out... 

and she saw...Newtopia!! Anne smiled pushing all the thoughts of Marcy to the back of her mind until... 

she saw her.

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