'Bowie goes insane.'

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As Bowie was filing his nails while sitting on the dock, he noticed something in the distance.

Bowie: "Hey- what's that in the bushes?"

Everyone notices the thing in the bushes. Some of the contestants walk to the bush to see what’s in there

Bowie moved closer to the bush, sneaking up behind it. Suddenly, he was pinned to the ground by a monstrous creature.

His eyes widened in sudden pain as he let out a scream, his arm flying off his shoulder. Blood splattered across the grass.

Damien: “WHAT THE-“

Wayne runs to Bowie, trying to help him.

Priya: “OH GOD”

Bowie: "MY ARM!"

Wayne: “Let’s just try and stay calm..”

Julia: “How the hell are we supposed to stay calm?! We’re literally stranded here with zero communications to the outside world!”

Chase: “And one of us doesn’t exactly have two hands at the moment!”

Bowie laughed at what Chase said.

Zee: “What if that thing comes back?”

Wayne: “Okay, now we need to try and help Bowie’s wound. Do I see a med kit. Where’s Axel? Isn't she an expert with this stuff.

Axel is literally nowhere to be found

Raj: “Uhm..Axel? Where are you?”

Julia: “Yeah, where the hell is Axel?”

Julia: “Also, I am very annoyed at Chase right now. I am still recovering from this traumatic experience, and here he is, cracking a joke about the loss of Bowie’s arm.”

Chase: “Well I’m sorry for having some fucking HUMOUR!"

Julia crosses her arms and scowls.

Zee: “We need to find a way to patch up Bowie’s arm, but..how? How do we stop the bleeding? How do we make sure he doesn’t pass out?”

Bowie: "Ohhh fuck I forgot about that..."

He looked at his missing arm.

Priya: “Uh, should we try and cauterize the wound?”

Wayne: “But what do we use?”

Zee: “Should we try and cover the wound with something?”

Chase: “Bowie, you’re going pale.”

"Ehh... Now that you've reminded me of it... I am feeling a bit dizzy."

Zee: “Uhhh guys, I think he’s about to pass out!”

Everyone starts to crowd around Bowie, trying to figure out how to help him.

Raj: “What do we do?! What do we do?!

Bowie reached out and grabbed onto Raj.

Bowie: "You look funny..."

He laughed sluggishly.

Raj blushes a bit.

Julia slaps Raj on the cheek.


Bowie: "Why are there so many of you..."

Bowie looked around, confused. He was completely out of it.

Raj: “I think he’s going delirious…”

The Adventures of Bowie. [A JOKE STORY]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें