Chapter 3: Bunny

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Tapping the end of my pencil on the desk, I surveyed the cat chibi drawing I left on my chemistry test as the teacher– Mr. Thomson– recalled the tests to the front desk. It was my fifth and last period, thankfully. I couldn't handle the itchy feeling that would consume my body as I felt dozens of eyes on me in each new class– the noisy, loud boys that would sit in the back of the class who thought that being rambunctious was 'cool'. The entire day was overstimulating and wrecked my nerves.

I stiffened as I felt a touch on my shoulder, glancing over at a blonde boy with hazel eyes and acne littering his face. I didn't bother to survey his clothing as I felt my eyelid twitch. I forced a smile as he stared at me awkwardly before averting his gaze. He extended his hand forward where he held everyone's tests in hand. I grabbed the stack of papers and combined it with my own packet before I stood and walked up to the teachers desk.

As I set the test sheets down, Mr. Thomson slid his eyes up and peered at me through lazy eyelids without saying a word. His gaze was judgemental and burning through my skin, prying my deepest darkest secrets to the surface. I dipped my head nervously and walked back to my desk.

I was a bit too enthusiastic for this class to end, my nerves were everywhere after this excruciatingly long day. I simply wanted to go home, sit on my bed and scroll through social media until the sun fell behind the horizon and let sleep wrap me up in its warm embrace.

Before I could plant my bottom on my seat the bell went off. Thank god. I drew a large breath into my lungs as I grabbed my bag which was filled with books from all my previous classes– and slung it over my shoulder. I followed the flow of people out into the hall and stepped outside the school, inhaling the fresh afternoon air. A smile crept onto my face as I met Max's eyes and hurried over to him, Wren, Selah, and Blake. He turned and sauntered out of the parking lot as I briskly followed. "How was the first day?" Wren asked, leaning forward to look at my face. "It went." I breathed. The farther away I got from the building, the lighter my shoulders felt. I quickened my pace to keep up with Max's strides and Selah's fast feet.

"Did you get overwhelmed?" Max asked, his gaze burning into my scalp. I merely nodded, not meeting his eye as I adjusted the bag on my back. I sighed inwardly, flicking my hair from my face as I massaged my hand down my neck. Being tense all day has given me knots in my shoulders; feeling my fingers run over a rough knot, I winced. I felt like I was going mad all day, the feeling of someone constantly watching me had been my burden of the day. I want to convince myself that I was merely imagining it, but I couldn't brush the feeling off.

Max was swift to grab my backpack from me and toss it over his own shoulder. Before I could retort or complain, he hushed me. A frown was replaced with my grin as I walked on in silence. Does he think I am weak? That I can't handle myself? The thoughts swirled and my brow fell deeper into my eyes. I am sick of people babying me.

"Wanna go to the park today?" Blake asked, pulling me from my thoughts. "Can't." Selah was the first to respond, "going to see a girl today." She stated as I perked up. "Like.. see see?" Wren asked as she leaned into Selah's shoulder. She just smirked and lowered her gaze to the cement sidewalk as each of my friends squealed in excitement. I stayed silent, focusing on the cracks on the ground and widening my strides to avoid stepping on them whenever my steps didn't match up with my inner-counting.

"Well okay! Don't let us stop you, capture her heart." Blake rubbed her hands together, knowing Selah didn't like being touched much but I knew she wanted to hug her or jump into her arms. I tore my gaze away and looked over at Max who wasn't paying attention to our conversation or didn't care enough to pay attention. He looked out of it in all honesty.

I followed his wavering gaze, curious on what was hogging all of his attention. I expected a pretty girl or the English teacher he admitted he had a crush on during lunch. Instead, I stared in bewilderment as I watched something stir in the shadows of a house but I couldn't tell what it was, or who it may be.

My eyes narrowed as the feeling of being followed clung to my skin. The eerie touch of being watched began to make my blood churn: the same unfriendly feeling welcomed a chill to my bones. I knew I wasn't imagining it, especially if Max is taking notice. I wish I was imagining it.

Before I could voice any of my thoughts, Max grabbed my arm and forced my legs to move faster. "Is your dad going to be home?" He projected. I just nodded and let him drag me away. "Are we not going to the park then?" Blake asked as we scurried past them. "No." Max snapped, which left me wondering what exactly has him so unsettled. Who was that?

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