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Betty and Lori approached Nancy, who was still having problems with her balance. They sported the latest in invasion couture, a little silver number that was out of this world— with a backpack accessory!  Carrying a set of these duds, they plunk down next to her on the same bench.

"Well, we are now an even fifty women in uniform." said Betty. "We have one for you. You'd be safer if you put it on."  Nancy was just not herself, but she knew this advice was wise. 

"Yep. I'd hate to have come this far only to be taken out for not wearing the proper clothes for the occasion..." She smiled at her friends. "I'm actually feeling better..."

A sound came to their ears that was very close to being explosions, but in the distance. They saw some of the other women looking up and pointing. Betty stood up and spotted the tiny B-25 hacking holes in the underside of the alien sunshade!

"Someone is doing something!" she cried out. Nancy tried to look up, which was getting easier, but she had to look away.

"Those little holes aren't going to do much," she said. "Not to that big otherworldly headache..."

The other women continued to watch as the little airplane flew in an erratic pattern and they cheered every time something exploded!

"Truck!" someone out of sight called out. As if they had been trained for months, the silver suited ladies sprang into action. They all had their places and they stood as their captors had stood, helmets sealed and waiting for the next truckload of libertees. The death booth was in full swing, disintegrating the aliens who had once worn the battle suits now adorning the women from the enclosure!

Lori helped Nancy into her own set of silver duds. She put the helmet on Nancy's head and snapped it shut. For a moment, Nancy felt imprisoned, but quickly found it was easy to move around. Lori held her gloved left hand up for Nancy to see. Just beside the thumb, at the root of the index finger was a patch that was not silver. It was green. Lori pushed against it with her thumb and Nancy could hear her voice inside the helmet.

"It's confusing at first, but hardly anyone needs to talk at the same time. If you don't want to hear anything, push the patch twice very quickly. Push it again to turn it back on."

Nancy pushed the patch. "Will do!" Lori acknowledged her response with a thumbs-up.

Lori moved off to join the coming attack on the next truck. Nancy watched her friend, who had been so different a very short time ago. She found the power cable behind her and slid it through her hand until she felt the hand-piece. She held the weapon as she had seen the aliens do so many times before and powered it up.

"This is just too weird..." she thought to herself, watching the other women who were on their way to taking this part of New York back from the invaders.

Joe DiMarco continued to blast his initials into the metallic skin of the massive ship above New York. He felt like an artist signing his work, as things and bodies rained down upon the city below. Given that Earth natives were in short supply, he really had no worries that his work might cause injury to someone important below.

"I wish this plane could hover," he said into the intercom. "I'd like to see how far I could burrow in one spot with this thing." making reference to the blaster mounted into his turret. Suddenly, something caught his eye. It was a small airborne vehicle and definitely not a relative of the one they were in! It was flat and sleek and what made it fly was just another mystery presented by the visitors from outer space...  "Guys. We've got company. And I mean flying toward us!" Bill came onto the intercom. 

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