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Monday... the start of a new week... come to think of it, it has been a week since I became a magical girl, I already fought Lostorope twice... he sure plays dirty...

It's just another boring day... I'm sitting again right here in the front of the class, close to the window, I'm not the closest to the window sadly, when the year started someone just got the sit sooner than me, these guys are kinda crazy, I got in the class 20 minutes before the class start and most of the class already had their seats, but nowdays, if I get 10 minutes before class, there is like 6 people only... I just wonder how early they came in that day...

- Class, I have an announcement to make

Who said it while getting inside was the first class teacher, she usually never make announcements, I wonder what is that about, as far as I can remember, there is no holiday close or event or anything...

- We have a transferred student, please come

With that said the person who came was a blonde girl with a pale skin... that girl is kinda familiar...

- My name is Dawn and I'm starting here today, I hope we can get along - she said giving the class a smile, she had a soft voice...


- Dawn please sit where you prefer, if you need anything you can ask help from a teacher, we are going to start the class, okay?

- Okay, thanks

She started walking until she sitted behind me... well, not like she had much option, there were only 3 empty places for her to sit, behind me, on my right and on the other side of the class in the literal last chair...

So she is a transfer student... I wonder why she came here, like... there where two literal fights around here and the police is still looking for the "terrorists"... that's kinda awkward...

It didn't take much until the first class ended and everyone came talk with her and of course, since I sit in front of her, I can listen everything

- Hey hey, why you came to the city right in the middle of the year? - who asked was one of the girls in my class, she actually sit in the other side of the class so she had to come all the way here to talk with Dawn

- Well, my family moved here because of the things that were happening around where I live, these weird attacks, but here ended up also starting to have so didn't make much change...

Wait, are you telling that you left your old city for this one because your family didn't want to get in the middle of the battle zone and you got into the literal first attack this city had? WHAT THE F-

- Well, look the good side, no one got hurt here, I heard of some terrible cases in other places... there are some missing people and a lot of people in the hospitals too... - who said it was one of the class nerds, I think she overheard from her seat a bit behind ours

But if there are injuried people and missing people (and maybe even dead people), I wonder if the other magical girls are having it worse than here... or if they even had one...

- By what I saw, the governments tried to cover the first attacks, but after so many in so many places, everyone started talking about and it's impossible to hide now, but no one understand what is even happening, specially because it's happening around the world, I think around 10 countries already confirmed to be attacked, the tension is big right now, but no one have proof to accuse anyone - as the nerd kept talking I think I remember my parents seeing the news talking about it, I didn't pay much attention because well, the news channels are boring at the very least and straight up exaggerated and fake in other cases

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