Chapter One

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Aoife had just finished her training sessions with the pups. She trained the pups from ages 11-14 until they moved to the next stage. After watching each one of them go off, she carried her boots and walked to the lake.She sat down on a rock and washed her legs in the water as she had always trained barefoot.Even after washing her feet, she left it dangling in the water.She turned her boots over and grabbed the pocket knives that fell out.She decided to sharpen them once more. She brought them out of the sheaths and scraped both sharp ends against each other. Aoife began to feel uneasy and she knew someone was watching her.She snapped her head up in the direction she sensed the person it but she was shocked at what she saw.


Alpha Jeremy,the alpha king had ended the meeting with his son and his allies who he had invited over to pledge their loyalties to his son who was to take over him.He escorted the visiting alpha's to the woods as they discussed and he showed them round his territory. They spotted a red haired girl at the stream but they merely glanced at her and turned their attention back to the king except one Alpha who couldn't take his eyes off her. Alpha Hayden kept staring at her until she snapped her head up in his direction. She blinked her big green eyes in shock as though she could not believe what was going on. Only one word ran through his mind, 'mate'.

He felt an arm on his shoulder drawing him out of his trance.

"She's beautiful,no?",King Jeremy said and Hayden held back a growl in his throat not wanting to disrespect the older man,so he nodded in agreement.

"That's the lengendary Aoife, soon to be Mother Luna when she takes over with my son", he briefed Hayden smiling.

All the alpha's gasped in shock.The other three Alpha's gasped because they had heard stories of Aoife but had never met her.They were bewildered to see she had a small stature but truly she was as beautiful as they had described her,If not more. Hayden obviously gasped for a different reason.

"With all due respect Sir, I cannot allow that, for she is my mate",Hayden said as calmly as he could trying to reign in his wolf.

"She was destined to rule with my son", King Jeremy brushing Hayden's earlier outburst aside like he hadn't heard him.

"She is my mate", Hayden growled loosing all the respect he had for the older man.

"Hayden,I want you off my lands right this minute",Jeremy growled using his authority over Hayden.

"I'm not leaving without my mate",Hayden growled back turning his head in the direction of the lake only to see it was empty. His wolf was going crazy by now,struggling to be let out so he could tear the King to shreds and hunt down his mate. But Hayden knew better than to let his wolf out.

"You know the rules Hayden and I'm not granting you permission to take her along with you, you have better leave my lands before I charge you for trespassing", Alpha Jeremy growled.

Hayden knew he had to leave now. He stormed off to the front and gathered his troops that had escorted him here and headed for his pack. Hayden was driving way past the speed limit even for a werewolf eager to get to his package and decide on what to do. His pack members wondered what had riled him up this bad but none of them dared to question him.

Six hours later.

Hayden pulled into his pack house and went straight up to his office ignoring the greetings from his pack members.He quickly typed up an appeal about the situation to the werewolf council.He signed it and stamped the envelope with his ring. He called for his beta,Nick and sent him to deliver the letter to the council. The werewolf council consisted of fifteen of the oldest and wisest wolves in the world. The council had created a rule where if you found your mate on another territory, you had to report to the alpha of the territory and ask for his permission to take her along with you. 'Stupid rule', he thought as his mind flickered to the Alpha's words.

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