Chapter Thirty-Nine: Bloodlust

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The Mortal Realm, Friday Afternoon

A single envelope filled with cash rested in Kumiko's hand as she knocked on Futoshi's door and waited for him to answer. She was about to pay her rent a day late as a result of getting carried away with helping Ichiro prepare for his job, so she hoped that Futoshi would forgive her just this once.

"I'm sorry for the delay," she announced with a bow as soon as the door opened. "Please accept my rent for this month!"

She straightened her back to see Futoshi's blinking and stunned face. He swallowed, then broke into a smile. "Why, no need to feel ashamed. We all have our days, and I'd also forgotten, to be honest!"

"Really? That's a relief." Kumiko allowed him to take the envelope before she remembered the other reason she had come over. "By the way, how are things? Is Tsutomu doing okay?"

"Not really." Futoshi's smile vanished and his bushy eyebrows creased. "He's been getting increasingly restless with my company, so I told him to go for a stroll around the neighborhood. He still hasn't come back for some reason."

"That's strange," Kumiko remarked in concern. "Haven't you tried looking for him?"

"No. The truth is, I've been more worried about the other fellow you've placed under my watch."

Kumiko figured he was talking about the amanojaku, so she nodded. "I see. Could you show me?"

"Of course. Come on in." Futoshi beckoned her forward and shut the door behind them both. He led her into the kitchen and dining area where a draped chair continued to rest in much the same way as the previous week.

"So, this is what's become of the amanojaku?" Kumiko commented after Futoshi removed the blanket covering the demon's body to reveal that it had fallen into an apparent coma. "How very strange..."

"Indeed," Futoshi agreed with a nod. "It's almost like he's grown weak after going so long without light."

Kumiko approached the unconscious amanojaku with caution. She held her breath, then waved her hand past its wrinkly and contorted face. When there wasn't even the slightest hint of a reaction, she retreated and turned back towards Futoshi. "I certainly hope you're right. I've been around for ages, but this is the first time I've had to deal with one of these up close and personal."

Futoshi gasped while crossing his arms. "Hey, wait a minute. You're almost a thousand years old. Shouldn't you be an expert?"

"No," Kumiko admitted, shaking her head in shame as she remembered her past apathy. "There used to be plenty of times when I'd see a problem and just leave the humans to sort it out for themselves."

"Damn. No wonder you kitsune have a bad reputation."

"You're one to talk. You tanuki are the same, if not worse."

"Touché," Futoshi said in defeat. "So, do you have any idea what we could try next?"

Kumiko observed the stiff body of the amanojaku and sighed. "I say we cover him up again. It's our only choice until we find a more permanent solution."

Futoshi obeyed her suggestion with a look of disappointment on his face. "You know, I'm not sure how you managed to take down Akane with this attitude."

"That was completely different. All I had to do was find her and put up a good fight, but this situation is a lot more fragile. If we make the wrong move, the amanojaku will grow stronger and possess yet another unlucky person."

"I see." Futoshi's expression sank further into misery. "So, you expect me to keep living with that thing and Tsutomu's ghost while you get to have a great time with Ichiro. Doesn't sound fair at all."

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