Chapter 7

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The Parting Tide

The day of Altair's departure dawned with a sense of surrealism.

The usually vibrant Batangas seemed subdued, as if nature itself was sharing their sentiment.

The waves crashed onto the shore with a melancholic rhythm, the wind whispered sighs through the palm leaves, and the sun seemed a tad less bright.

Their hearts mirrored this atmosphere, heavy with the impending farewell.

Altair was scheduled to leave by the afternoon.

The morning, thus, became a precious capsule of time.

They spent it together, strolling along their favorite beach, their footprints marking the sand, just as their shared memories had marked their hearts.

They reminisced about their adventures, the laughter and debates, the silent companionship, and the unspoken affection that had grown between them.

As the hour of parting approached, Altair faced Lirea, his gaze holding a storm of emotions.

"Lirea," he started, his voice a steady anchor amidst the internal tumult.

"Don't forget what I told you. No matter what twists and turns life takes, no matter the highs and lows we encounter, I will remain your constant, your unwavering companion."

Lirea nodded, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears.

"And I will be here for you, Altair. Always."

Their hands found each other, fingers interlacing in a comforting grip.

Words were unnecessary; their shared silence spoke volumes. Their connection was deep, their bond resilient.

With a final embrace that held a promise of return, Altair stepped onto his journey.

His figure gradually receded into the distance, leaving a void in the landscape, and in Lirea's world. She stood there, her gaze following him until he was a mere speck on the horizon, her heart heavy yet hopeful.

Their story was far from its conclusion. This was not a permanent farewell, but a temporary parting.

Their bond was steadfast, their promises to each other unyielding. They knew their paths would converge again, their story would find its continuation.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, Lirea clung to the promise of a new dawn.

A dawn that would bring Altair back to her, a dawn that would add new chapters to their story.

Until then, she would remain in Batangas, the constant beacon in their ever-evolving lives.

Her love for the ocean and her unwavering hope for their reunion would be her companions, guiding her through the tides of time until they met again.

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