7th Grade

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"Jezzabelle Johnson!"

My head snaps off my desk quickly as I make sure to wipe the drool off my face and fix my hair.

I loved English class but the rude teacher with the largest pair of glasses in the world that I have as a 7th grade English teacher was honestly the most boring teacher I've ever had. To say I was awake every time I've been in this class would definitely be the biggest lie I've ever told throughout my whole 14 years of living.

"Since nap times are the only things you take seriously in my class, I'm going to assign you as the permanent school guide for our new student today" Mrs.Arturo announces in front of the class as I wipe my tired eyes.

New student? School guide? What did I miss?

"As I was saying before, Xander here is one of our most recently new students joining both our pack and school. Why don't you introduce yourself to the class Xander" Mrs.Arturo says turning to the tall male wolf beside her.

To be stunned to silence by someone in the literal sense would describe how I was feeling as soon as my eyes landed on the new student in front of our class.

The new student judging by his presence and appearance alone, I could definitely tell was of high ranking.

The blood ranking in the wolves hierarchy being a major part in our appearances. Mostly all omega males were short due to their low ranking DNA. Most of the average ranked wolves in the packs were average sized and the top of the ranks being mostly Alpha, Beta's and Gamma's, the wolves with those ranking DNA were most likely the tallest and largest wolves of all.

At the young age of 14, the average size heights for the male wolves my age were around five feet and seven inches. With me being five feet and three inches, I'd say those heights were pretty normal. The omega males my age were around my height or shorter.

Miles being the main alpha blooded male my age that I know of, he was the tallest male wolf student in the entire junior high. And he wasn't even in the 8th grade yet. He was already close to six feet for a 14 year old.

But now that I'm looking at the new student, he was probably around the same height as Miles. Which confirmed the thought of him being of alpha blood.

"My name is Xander Woods. My father is Damian Woods, alpha of the white mountain pack. Our pack moved here because my father and our pack decided to join the ongoing war. And since our pack will be helping out with that, he moved the rest of us that aren't able to join here to you guys pack for both safety and a place to stay" The new guy explains himself as my eyes widen

I've heard of both his father and his pack before. It was known for other large packs to have connections with ours due to how strong and large our pack is compared to others. The story of the Alpha of White Mountain Pack was known around to be a strong fierce leader that had unbeatable warriors similar to our pack.

The White Mountain pack was as strong and powerful as our pack. Their warriors were equally as talented as well. Their warriors were know for defeating even the toughest enemies known to wolves.

What I'm shocked at is why they've decided to join forces with our pack. As far as I've heard their pack stayed to themselves on top of the cold mountains where they were located. They barely left their mountains but now? They're here?

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