Level 001

392 22 4

જ⁀➴.𖥔 ݁ ˖༉‧₊˚.

"[𝐘/𝐍], 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 not coming to the café with us?"

"Sorry, I have to get home right away!"

"Don't tell me it's to play that game again... Come to the café with us! You can't stay all cooped up in your room all day playing that... video game."

"Ah, sorry, Miya. But I really have to get going. Tomorrow for sure though!" You quickly gather your things and begin to make your way out of the school before accidentally bumping into someone.

Your books dropped all over the floor.

"Oh, I'm so sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going!" You quickly pick up all your books before looking at the person you bumped into.

It was your classmate... uh... what was his name again? He was that really attractive boy in your class that all the girls liked. He just looked down at you before silently walking away. You peered at him as he walked away from you.

You totally get why girls would be obsessed with him. He's definitely the mysterious handsome type. Augh! Focus!

You gather yourself and make your way home from school.

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"I'm home!" You quickly take off your shoes and begin to run upstairs into your room.

"Hey! [Y/N]!" Your mother yells. You sigh and head back down the stairs.

"Yes, Mom?" You impatiently say.

"No game. Homework first." your mother states. You groan loudly.

"My friend is waiting for me!" You insist. Your mother pats the seat at the dining table.

"Your homework is waiting for you as well." You sigh once again in defeat.

"Can I at least tell them I won't be on till later?" Your mother nods as you run back up the stairs to your laptop.

You open your laptop and log into your FoS account and message your online friend; Yamada. He's not online right now, but you thought you'd message him anyway.

Hiii yamada :)) i cant play till later later because i have to do my homework :(
but hopefully i finish it early and we can play :D

You stare at the messages. Wondering when he would be online to read them. You close your laptop and change out of your school uniform into your casual clothes. Taking your notes and homework out of your bag, you head downstairs to start on your homework.

Sitting at the table, you find yourself mindlessly doodling on the margins of your notebook. Your mind drifts off to playing FoS with Yamada.

The two of you have known each other on FoS for about 10 months at this point. You've been playing almost every day trying to get all the latest artifacts and armour. You're a decently high level, but not high enough to be in the very top.

Yamada logs into FoS pretty randomly, but since you have hundreds of hours in the game, you play with him every time he's online.

You met him when he saved you in the PvP section of the map (you unintentionally walked into).

Though he only saved you to ask about which enchantment you had on your armour... for you, it was love at first sight.

You know in your head it's irrational to have a crush on someone you know nothing about. Well, you know very little about him.

You know he's somewhere around your age considering he's stated before that he had to log off to do his homework. But honestly... that's it.

He could be a creep for all you know, but, he's never given off that vibe whenever you two chat online.

He's slow at replying, and gives pretty dry answers, but he's always helped you with anything you needed. He'd always agree to anything you wanted to do. And he was a great team member and just a supportive friend to you.

Which unfortunately meant you had caught feelings for a random stranger online.

"[Y/N], why are you doodling on the sides of your notebook. Focus on the questions!" You snap out of your daydream as your mother nags you to complete your homework properly.

Even though you have hundreds of hours on FoS, your parents are pretty strict about school. You're only allowed to play the game for maximum of two hours a day and have a curfew of 21:00 (9pm). AKA your electronics are taken away at that time.

Since you only get two hours on FoS, that's why you rush home so quickly to be able to play, and why you often avoid hanging out after school with your friends.

You never want to miss when Yamada is online.

You lock yourself into gear and start to rush to finish your homework. Time is of the essence!

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18:43 (6:43pm)

"I finished!" You walk up to your mother and hand her the paper to look over. She carefully looks over every detail of the assignment, dragging her finger along the lines. She nods and hands you back your sheet.

"Well done. You can play your game now." You smile excitedly.

"Alright, thanks mom!" You sprint up the stairs excitedly and set your homework on your desk before opening your laptop and logging into FoS.

Your heart flutters for a moment. Yamada is online! You quickly meet him in the lobby and see what he's doing, as well as messaging him.

hiii yamada :)) ur online now !!
what were u doingg :))
i was doing my homework

He was doing his homework too! You smile to yourself from the coincidence.

omggg me too lolol
do you need to farm for any items
yeah i need a better enchantment for my armour
so we can fight some dungeons >:)

You smiled to yourself as you stared at your screen. The two of you begin to farm for special artifact drops together until your two hours hit.

ughhh i gotta go now
will u b online tmr ??
yayyy see u tmr !

જ⁀➴.𖥔 ݁ ˖༉‧₊˚.
Level 001 Complete!

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