Chapter 2

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As Isa made her way through the dense trees, her senses were on high alert. The soft crunch of twigs seemed to echo around her.
It had been about a day and a half since she had escaped the warriors of Thragg. As the majority of them were drifting off to sleep, she spat in the eyes of the one guarding her and quickly bolted into the trees. She had a strong dislike for the idea of being owned.
Suddenly, she heard a loud rustle in the sticks nearby and instinctively drew her fists. She crouched low, her eyes scanning the area for any sign of danger. A figure emerged from the brush, armed and ready to defend himself.
The figure was tall and imposing, with broad shoulders and a strong physique. As he stepped into a ray of sunlight, she recognized her captor, Odin.
His hair was styled in a braided mohawk, and he was heavily armored with leather and fur.
She could see the sharpness of his tusks from this angle.
"Who goes?" his deep voice boomed through the forest.
She stood up straight, drawing the arrow she had crafted earlier that morning. "I could ask you the same thing. ", she replied,  her tone confident and unwavering.
He quickly unsheathed a dagger.
"Ah, you.", he begins,  "I have found you."
He lowers his weapon.
"That was a mistake. ", she warns, " you attacked my tribe and took me. I watched my almost father die."
Odin giggled a small bit.
"Whom, Gmork? That old man was going to sell you into slavery anyways.", he said coldly.
It was not uncommon for orcs to auction off their childless women.
If she had been sold, she would have likely been raped repeatedly for the purpose of breeding.
Isa relaxed her stance a bit.
"You have nowhere to go. ", he said to her.
"Come with me. I am going on a mission soon. But first we must go back to the others."
She was a small bit reluctant. However, Odin had a calming presence about him. Isa couldn't help feeling a sense of admiration.
She nodded in agreement.
"MOGGET!", he bellowed. The name echoed through the trees.
Something large charged through the underbrush with a thunderous sound.
Small animals scurried away, their tails tucked between their legs, sensing danger in the air.
And then, there it was- a magnificent creature standing tall and proud amidst the chaos it had caused. The large frame dominated the clearing, casting a shadow over everything in its path. Transfixed by the presence of the mysterious creature, Isa held her breath. Twigs snapped under the beast as it took a few slow, calculated steps forward.
"A boar?", questioned Isa, though the answer was evident.
"So you have eyes.", Odin said, mounting his companion and outstretching an arm.

The pair rode the swine into the land of Thragg.

The orcs trudged through the entrance of Odin's home, a den made out of mostly rocks and dry clay.
He let out a sigh of relief.
"Home at last.", he said, stomping his feet to get rid of the dirt and dust that clung to his boots.
Isa couldn't help but be amazed at the grandeur of his den. The layout was much larger than the average orc's home,  it was an open arrangement. The wood furniture was dark and had intricate carvings.
Animal busts decorated the walls,  and their skins lay on the floor.
"Wow, this is your home?" she asked, her eyes wide with wander.
Odin chuckled and gave a clap. "Yep, been here for years.", he said.
He gestured to the table in the center of the room.
A large spread of bread, molded cheese, grasshoppers, toe-biters, and rabbit had been prepared.
"Please, sit."
'Toe-biters...', thought she, 'they must have special inferiors that go to collect those. '

She sat down hesitantly, intrigued by Odin's obvious wealth.
"Molded cheese?", she judged. Not ever in her twenty three years of living had she ate a molded food on purpose.
"Yes. It is especially tasty with the bread.", he informed.
"If that is too complicated for your taste buds, I have something else. "
He stood and walked to a far shelf in the kitchen with earthenware containers.
He quickly came back with a small glass jar, encapsulating thick fluidical gold.
"Try some.", he offered, coating is finger in it and sticking it in front of Isa's face.
She opened her mouth and sucked the sweet substance from the tip of his calloused digit. It was the most saccharine thing to ever grace her tongue. She closed her eyes in pleasure briefly before allowing him his hand back.
"What is that?"
He pushed the cork back into the jar and set it next to the bread, amused.
"Bee sap. You must not tell anyone that I harvest it. They would cause a shortage. "
Isa nodded.
She had seen people die of bee attacks before. The humility of their swollen appendages, horror on their faces as they ran around flailing their arms. The idea of Odin risking those things for the sake of sugary nectar was silly to her.
"Would you like to go to bed?", he interrupted her deep thought.
'I should have seen this coming' , she convicted. He pointed for her to go by the fire.
"Find a nice large skin to lay on. ", he ordered.
She felt vulnerable and at mercy of her captor. Orcs were known for their ruthlessness and lack of empathy, and that included intercourse. It wasn't unusual if a female was raped or trafficked here, and she had been lucky in her experience so far. She began removing her tattered cloth dress.
"Isa! What on Earth??", shouted Odin.
She scrambled to re-cover her breasts.
He stomped over to her with a look of confusion in his eye.
"You told me to go lay down,  I thought-"
"I asked if you would like to go to bed because you looked tired.", he revealed.
Isa's heart fluttered with embarrassment.
He grabbed her chin with a finger and a thumb, forcing her to look up at him as he stepped closer. The fire pit accentuated their features flatteringly.
"I will fuck you eventually, ", confessed her keeper, "but not yet. Understand?"
His whispers excited her. As much as Isa wanted to let Odin have his way with her, she couldn't ignore the fact that she was  his prisoner.
"Yes sir."
With a grunt, the fingers grabbing her chin turned into a hand seizing her throat. Odin quickly cleared his throat and corrected himself,  releasing her from his grasp.
"Instincts.", he murmured before turning his back to Isa and finding a spot to regress for the night.

Orc WarriorTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon