chapter 1.visting paletena temple

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Dark pit's pov:

This sucks I thought,now I have to visit paletena's temple to tell her something,care to explain why cause I was sick and happen this morning

It was morning at ordon village in the middle of the woods,I woke up and realized dark was not in bed,so I got and then my stomach started to hurt so back like something had punched me too hard in there.and then I feel the urged to barf I raced to the bathroom I vomited non stop.I don't know why,well I guess I have no choice to explain this to lady paletena I asked to myself

(End flashback)

I came in paletena's temple until pit stain had saw me,hey there pitto said pit in his annoying self, I told you not to called me that only dark can say that nickname I what you doing here in paletena temple? it's very strange you came here cause I don't see you very often,pit said questional,I said to him:I just wanted to talk to here about something,can I hear;pit asked no I said rudely and slammed the door to his face.when she saw me and said he oh,hello there pitto what brings you here,I got mad and said don't call me that your the one I got that got stupid nickname,I shouted.well,what brings you here in the temple,she asked. I sighed ok I wasn't feeling well in the morning I my stomach was hurting very fuckin badly and then I vomtitted non-stop so I had no choice but visited you here.and strangely she understand what happening to me asked me the most embarrassed question she asked me:have you and dark link do it(if you know what I mean).I blushed in embarrassment and said:ummm....yeah.and said I know what going on with you,she said...

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