Chapter 7 After the Show Ryan's POV

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Once Ben goes to get the girls I sprint to the showers because I want to see my mate again as soon as possible because I have a gut feeling that something is wrong with Kate and I think it has something to do with what the girl said to her. Once I finish with my shower I ask Ben what room shes in he also tells me that all my stuff is already in there. Tommy also starts walking with me because the room Aysha is in is right next to the one that my Kate is in. Once we get close to the rooms we can hear sobbing coming from both rooms and I look at Tommy and he looks at me and we both rush to the rooms our mates are in and afer I open the door the first thing I see is Kate sitting on the window sill with her feet on the sill, holding the hoodie that I was wearing earlier to her chest crying while looking out the window not hearing the door open and close. She only noticed I was in the room when I said her name trying not to scare her. Once she see me the look she gives me breaks my heart and I go and hug her and move her to the couch where I can sit her in my lap and just hug her until shes ready to tell me what happen. Once my darling has calmed down I ask:

R: What has got you so upset my darling? Is it something that the girl you were talking to said?
K: (shakes her head yes)
R: My love what did they say to you?
K:   ?: All the boys have scrunchies on thier wrist
       K: I saw that. As long as they are happy thats all that matters to me

     ?: really I thought you would have wanted one of them to be yours

       K: I mean if it happend that would be lovely but I doubt it will ever happen
       ?: Well whoever they are sl*ts and are not worthy of anyones love and I plan on making their live a living h*ll

R: Oh my love I wound let them hurt you at all and I will talk to the boys and we will put out a statment about everything without saying your names. This is something we will not put up with.
K: Lets do that later. Can we cuddle for awhile? (asks shyly)
R: of course my love anything for you.

While my mate tells me why she is so upset my protective side comes out and I tell her that Ill talk to the boys and we will put out a statment about finding our mates and no hate will be tolerated. Once she has finally calmed down very shyly she askes me if we can cuddles and I say yes and I find it adorable how shy she is. I start running my hand through her hair while we are cuddling I feel her lay her forehead on my chest and I hear soft snores comeing from her. Im kinda surprised that she fell asleep on me but im also very happy she did cause it shows that she is comfortable being around me and that makes me very happy. Next thing I know im falling asleep as well. I wake up half an hour later to the click of a camera and When I open my eyes I see Zach with his phone pointed at us.

R: Zach what are you doing?
Z: Getting a picture of my best friend and his girlfriend sleeping all cuddle together
R: Can you send it to me? and why are you in here?
Z: Yeah and I was coming to tell you that its time to go to the hotel. Im on my way to get Tommy and Aysha and im guess they are also sleeping all cuddled up. Its adorable.
R: Of course they are made for eachother.
Z: they really are
Z: yeah I find it adorable. Anyway wake up Kate we are leaving in 5 mins.
R: alright now get out if you dont want to see PDA
Z: alright gees see you in 5 mins then.

Kate's POV

I wake up to kisses all over my face and once I open my eyes I see a smiling Ryan.

K: What are you smiling at Ryan?
R: MY beauiful mate
K: Aww but why did you wake me up  I was having such a good dream and it may or may not have been about you
R: Its time to go to the hotel and tell me all about this dream that may or may not have been about me
K: Nope that for me to know and for you to find out some other day. Alright lets go to the hotel im still tired.
R: please tell me what the dream was about please
K: maybe later if you quit asking me
R: fineeee

Once we get outside wesee cars waiting for us and of course we are still waiting for Tommy ans Aysha because they are in the same car as us. Once they come we start heading to the hotel. Once we get to the hotel we each go to our own rooms and head to bed for the night

to be continued

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