Sisterly Care

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Viva entered Poppy's pod carrying her sleeping sister in her strong arms.

Viva: We're here, Poppy, I'll take care of you.

Poppy started coughing, her face pale and her body limp.

Viva: Shhhhhh I know, that fever's really getting to you. Just rest and I'll take care of everything.

Viva laid Poppy down in her bed and tucked her under the covers. She sat on the edge of the bed and brushed her bangs back.

Poppy: Viva...

Poppy's eyes fluttered open a little after she was tucked in.

Viva: are you feeling?

Poppy: Like I got run over by a caterbus...

Poppy let out a soft yawn and snuggled into her bed sheets. Viva started stroking her cheek with her thumb.

Viva: Sis, don't get up, okay? If you need anything, I'm right here.

Poppy nodded closing her eyes.

Viva: Next time, just steer away from frozen lakes.

Poppy: Mhm...okay...

Viva sighed seeing her little sister in such a state, she had to remember to keep an eye on her when they were out in the snow next time.

Poppy: Vivi...

Viva: Poppy, shhhhhhh don't talk, save your strength, okay hermanita?

Poppy: Mhm...sí...

Viva got up and went to grab something while Poppy rested peacefully, knowing that she was in good hands with her big sister. She had to remember to be careful whenever she was out in the can be dangerous to play in such conditions. Later, Viva came back holding a cup of chamomile, she tapped her weary sister lightly.

Viva: Psst, Poppycat.

Poppy moaned a little and started to stir, her eyes opening halfway.

Poppy: Hmm...?

Viva: Here, sis, sip on this, it should bring your fever down.

Poppy took the cup in her hands and sipped it lightly.

Viva: You look, this should help.

Viva put a damp washcloth on Poppy's forehead hoping to bring down her fever, even if it was just a little bit.

Poppy: So...c-cold...

Viva lightly pressed her finger against Poppy's lips.

Viva: Shhhhhhhhhhhh don't talk, Poppy, rest. I'll stay right here with you, I'm not going anywhere until you're back on your feet.

Poppy nodded and rubbed her eyes, exhaustion began to get the better of her with each passing moment.

Viva: ...Here, Poppy, I want you to have this.

Poppy looked up at Viva as she took something out of her hair, she handed her a toy hedgehog colored blue and had an adorable faced. Poppy's eyes widened and she stared at it for some time.

Viva: Mom made this for you a few days after you were born...and it was all I had left of you after we got separated that day. Since we're together now, I can finally give this to you.

Poppy: ...Lord Prickles...

Viva's heart melted when she saw her little sister hug the snuggle toy, the soft material comforting against her cheek.

Viva: I'm sorry, I would've given it to you sooner if...y'know.

Poppy nodded knowing what Viva was talking about and held her hand.

Poppy: I love you...

Viva: I love you too, Poppy...try and get some rest, okay? I won't go anywhere, I promise.

Poppy nodded and closed her eyes hugging her snuggle toy tightly. Viva sighed and picked her up holding her close and carrying her towards the flickering fire place, its blazes warm and welcoming for the two sisters. She laid down on the couch holding Poppy close, her head resting against her big sister's chest.

Viva: Take it easy, baby sis, okay? I'll fill in for you while you recover...and don't worry, I won't tell anyone you're sick, wouldn't want the Poppy 911 alert to go around. Sleep tight.

Poppy: Okay...

Viva kissed her little sister on the cheek and caressed her back with her hand, her touch soothing and comforting for the sick queen.

Viva: I love you so so so much, my sweet baby sister...please take care.

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