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This was one of the few times you actually slept well, not caring about any of your problems. No need to worry about the safety of Gregory since he's with Freddy, no need to worry about Vanny attacking you since you're in the daycare with Sun and Moon, Haniya and Xavier texted you saying that there was no need for you to talk to the police about Mr. Sparrow, Ms. Jones called saying Mr. Sparrow was doing fine and was thankfully alive. Sure what's been happening hasn't been the best, but things are starting to look up!

So why? Why is he here? Looking so much worse than ever. His eyes if you could even call them that anymore were empty, void of any life, color, or even a hint of emotion. His face winkled and distorted into something that was barely considered human, though despite all his winkles, you could still see every bone that the flesh hung from. You couldn't move away as his boney fingers touched your face, digging his talons like nails into your flesh. You couldn't even scream no matter how hard you try, no matter how close he got to you, you couldn't even manage to turn your head. Why does he look like this? How could he look like this? He was human once, your brother, he didn't deserve being one of your reoccurring nightmares. He was a kind man, he helped people, he loved his family, he was a therapist! So why was he being treated as some sort of demon, why does he continue to haunt you in your sleep? He stopped just before his forehead could touch yours before speaking.

"Not your fault"

It was raspy, like he'd been smoking for years without speaking a single word throughout that time.

Though you didn't have time to think of his words before you felt yourself being shaken harshly.

You suddenly gasped for air as you opened your eyes, you felt the tears rolling down your face as your throat pained you. So you had been screaming, and the way Sun look could only confirm that theory. It's almost funny how traumatized Sun looked to you, like he was the one experiencing that awful feeling. Before you could even speak, Sun pulled you into a hug. It was so tight you could barely breathe, his hands softly digging into your back as he pulled you closer.

"What happened?! You were screaming so loudly, and every time I touched you it only made things worse!" Sun cried out, shaking as he spoke.

"Just... another nightmare..." You slurred out, lazily wrapping your arms around Sun's hips.

"That wasn't just a nightmare! Moon told me of kids with nightmares before, yours seemed more like a panic attack while you slept!"

"It... doesn't matter anymore Sun, thanks for pulling me outta it though." You leaned into the hug more, feeling even more exhausted than ever before.

"It does matter! I wanna help you too Yknow." He pulled away from the hug, staring at you with intensity, he seemed determined to figure out what the problem was.

"I see you have a bit more energy than before, that's a good thing, I'm glad..." You didn't mean to ignore his concerns, but you needed a distraction and him being more energetic was wonderful.

Sun gaze soften slightly, his worry and concern becoming even more apparent. "You tell Moon everything, so why can't you tell me?? I'm concerned for you and I can help just as well as him! I may not be at 100% yet, but I can still help!"

You paused for a moment, it wasn't something you expected to hear from Sun. "I just don't wanna be a burden anymore." You mumbled out softly.

"You're not a burden-"

"Yes I am!" You cried out, "Ever since I got here I've been nothing but a burden, I can barely take care of myself or my kid! Gregory is constantly in danger and what am I doing now? Leaving him with Freddy while I hide away with you two twinks! I can't tell you the amount of times I almost died, two of which were with you guys. Hell the fact that I'm an artist and there's barely anything for me to do at the plex besides twiddle my thumbs says a helluva lot! And worse of all... I wasn't there when he called! He called me and I just ignored it! He could've still been alive and not some sleep paralysis demon haunting my dreams!"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16 ⏰

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