Gardians, navi And Chaos

17 1 1

(Terrico has joined)

 (Terrico has invited Gardian Scout1,

Gardian scout2, Gardian Scout3,

Gardian scout4, Navi, Gardian stalker,

Gardian skywacher, Gardian turret)

(Terrico has changed nicknames)

Scout1: huh? 

Skywacher: ah ma gawd!!!

Scout4: oh no him again?

Turret: BAN HIM 


Turret: teths betker

Stalker: ok Terrico what is going on here?

Terrico: I was bored

Turret: wiwiy?

Navi: gosh are you really that bad at spelling?

Skywacher: hold up 

Turret: NAVI? 

Navi: yes 

Turret: like navigation?

Navi: ...





Navi: um... 

Navi: Idk 

Turret: okkk nou Wat 

( Link has joined)

Link: navi... Navi...

Link: I feel like I've heard that name before...

Navi: LINK? 

Link: yah 

Navi: ok no linked universe today.

(Navi has left the chat)

(Link was kicked out of the chat)

Terrico: ...




(Scout3 has ended the chat)

[two hours later]

(Link has joined the chat)

(Terrico has joined the chat)

Link: hello!!!

Terrico: ...

Link: oh!

(Link has changed nickname to sidon)

Terrico: !!!

Sidon: hello!!! 😄

Terrico: wait... I'm with link...

Sidon: yah I swapped the slates!!!

Terrico: ...oh

(Turret has joined)

Turret: ahh yeth 

Turret: shorry tith hard to thip 

(Mipha has joined)

Terrico: sidon RUN

Mipha: too late!!! 

Sidon: hide!!

(Mipha has left)

(Sidon has been disconnected)

Turret: 😳

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