lake lust Part1

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Blitzo's pov

(I wake up and I hure my phone buz and i check it )(its from Stoles it seis i will see you in 2 hr's i cant wait)damn *yawn* i gata git ready in an hr. well at least were closed so thats good................(i get up and walk to the kichen and get a peace of toased with butter on it).(then i sit doun on the couch nexed to Loona ) morning sweet hart how did you sleep.? *i say with a yawn* *Loona answers with good morning to you too and good i geuss.* (*ONE HR LATTER*) *i dig through my closet to find an outfit to were*i find an outfit and put it on then i brush my teeth and what not*.

(ONE HR LATER) *I get in my van and turn on my music until i arived at Stoles's house and knock on the dore.*.......                                                                                                                                                                 well where is he goddamn it  *Stoles finely comes to the dore and we walk inside and i sit on his bed wen we get to his room.* 

Stoles's pov

Well hello Biltzy how have you bin *Stoles seis with a smileon his face. *                                                        Ive bin good jest doing my job and hanging out like almost everyday you know *he seis with a lil smerk on his face.* Well tonight shall be a fun night or so I hope * I say with a smerk aswell*.       well I hope so as well bc ive bin waiting for today since you told me bc its our 1st reel date                *blitzo seis wall getting up so we can go out to ozzys.*... *We get i Stoles's car and drive to ozzy's to eat and have fun*......(THIRTY MIN LATER)....... *We get to ozzy's                                                                   and we get to a tabel and sit do we also order our fool and some wisky,and wine*......                           Can i kiss you blitzy? *i ask nicely* yea jest for a sec bc the shows about to start                                     and we dont whant to miss it do we blitz seis*. Ok blitzy thx *i lean twards him and i kiss him with pashon and love he opens his mouth so i stick my toung into his mouth and he sticks his in mine and we make out with eachother.* *The kiss gets deeper and deeper i can feel our silivea mixing and twisting**we pulled away with a silivea string pull and we breath heavily then the show starts*..........

continue on nexed page sorry

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